Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We Are All POW's Now

On last night’s talk show, Jay Leno asked John McCain jokingly, “For one million dollars, how many houses do you have?”

Johnny McRealestate replied, “Could I just mention to you, Jay, that, at a moment of seriousness .I spent five-and-a-half years in a prison cell. I didn’t have a house. I didn’t have a kitchen table. I didn’t have a table. I didn’t have a chair. And I didn’t spend those five-and-a-half years because, not because I wanted to get a house when I got out.”

It’s gonna be a LONG two months before he steals this election!

How many more times will Johnny McP.O.W. play this card? Since Americans are eating this crap up by the buckets, I predict at least another couple dozen times.

I hate to tell you folks this, but America has been held POW for eight years now.

And we are all in for serving at least four more years as Prisoners Of WARMONGERS!


Anonymous said...

Damn the incompetence of the Viet Cong POW guards!

jmsjoin said...

I am so sick of listening to that BS story every time he wants to divert from the real issue and gain sympathy! he is such a dangerous lying scum. It pisses me off that my prevailing thought is how are they going to steal the election for him so he can continue this mess because the alternatives are much worse! WTF?

Mauigirl said...

Did he ever hear of letting the past go? That was then, this was now. Now he is the husband of a multi-zillionnaire and owns like 10 houses of various types. Time to move forward, John! You're sounding just like Rudy - "9/11" - Guliani.

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Biden, "A noun, a verb, and POW"

Distributorcap said...

even the press is tired of this story......

every day this guy makes me more and more embarrassed about our country -- bush then mccain

libhom said...

You shouldn't post this. John McCain was a POW.