Sunday, October 29, 2023

Not Neo-Nazis

After venting my frustration and anger over our American radical Right’s war on truth, decency, and democracy, I’ve decided on a kinder gentler term for addressing this authoritarian, insurrectionist, Trumpist, white nationalist Christian movement. I want to clarify my position. They are NOT all neo-Nazis.

I’ve elaborated for several years on their similarities to the original Nazis of Hitler’s Third Reich. Their shared extremist sentiments are easily found in any list of the characteristics of fascism. Intolerance of diversity, blatant racism, authoritarian nationalism, amplified anger, and resentment towards those they need to scapegoat to frame their manufactured sense of victimhood, white Christian identity, a blind loyalty to strongman leader who appeals to their bigotry and tells them who to blame and hate, etc.

I distinguished them from Hitler’s National Socialist fascism by referring to them as American neo-Nazis, since they share the same type of bigotry and authoritarian personality. These are the Americans who would have been ardent Nazis had they lived in 1930’s Germany.

Holocaust survivors have expressed their disturbing realization, witnessing the growth of this same kind of white nationalism festering under Trump as it’s beloved Fuhrer. A friend’s elderly mother who was a German war bride reacted to Trump with exasperation, “I should have STAYED in Germany”.

I have reconsidered how much I have used the term “neo-Nazi” for Trump’s loyal supporters. Some truly are. It’s not for lack of similarities, but technically speaking, most are not neo-Nazis.

In 2017 we all saw the real tiki torch neo-Nazis at Charlottesville chanting, “Jews will not replace us!” They are Trump supporters. So were all the others who attended the deadly “Unite the Right” rally. Marchers included members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and far-right militias. All of them are Trump supporters.

Notable attendees were neo-Nazi Daily Stormer writers Robert "Azzmador" Ray and Gabriel "Zeiger" Sohier-Chaput, white supremacists Richard Spencer and David Duke, and Daily Caller contributor and rally organizer Jason Kessler.

Again, not all Trump voters are white nationalists or bigots. Many are mis-uninformed, incurious,  or just gullible. And while not all of the bigoted Trump loyalists are neo-Nazis, they ARE radical right American white nationalist “Christians”. And they will insist they are conservatives and Christians.

Just ask them. It’s not the first time fascists presented themselves as such.

“It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler, Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933

By their fruits we will know them.

Henceforth in consideration of their delicate sensitivities I’ll refer to Nationalist Conservatives as “Nat-Cs”.  

The Urban Dictionary even defines Nat-C: “A Nationalist Conservative who doesn't believe they are racist, xenophobic, homophobic, religious zealots, in a cult even though they are.”

Close enough.

And I’ll add a note to any white Nationalist Conservative who might take umbrage and strongly disagree with my words. I get it. They have strong opinions, albeit usually groundless. My opinion on opinions is here.

I sincerely welcome their corrective facts, evidence, and information if I am in error.

Usually, their dissenting opinions are limited to “But the Biden Crime Family™” and name-calling.

To assist our fellow Americans in forming a cogent rebuttal to my points, I offer this easy-to-use template.

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


Sounds simple, right?

Alas, not as simple as regurgitating indoctrination and flinging personal insults.

Perhaps the "F" and "E" words derail them?


Dr. George Karanastasis said...

Not exactly agreeing with your post Dave, I think that the Democratic/ Progressive Party cannot exist without building coalitions encompassing various interest groups such as “Green” Environmentalists, LGBTQ, and other Gay organizations, Teachers Unions, and Social Justice Activists, such as Black Lives Matter, and other Radical Organizations. . By bringing together these diverse, Controversial, and Radical, groups. These Progressive, Communist, Democrat, groups have a common goal and values.
They all mobilize before elections to give the Democratic base a higher voter turnout, which is a crucial factor for Democratic/Progressive victories.

Dr. George Karanastasis said...

I strongly disagrees with you Dave. Republicans/Conservatives love their countries so much they may hate everyone else including martial law..
Nazis are, brainwashed dysfunctional morons, and not at all like Republicans, or like Conservatives . And that’s why they are they more prominent with the MAGA crowd, they really are the most patriot of all the groups in America.
In fact the Rightwinger’s were the first ones that were drawn into war during FDR’s, and Churchill’s wars..
As for Mr. Putin, just because Putin's not an actual Nazi, that doesn't mean that he's at all a good guy... He's doing things like the Nazis did, that's for sure.But to say that the Republican’s are like the Nazis, is simply not true.
Trust me, I am very well acquainted with that era.

Dave Dubya said...

Dr. George,
I agree that these diverse groups do mobilize for elections. They have to.

They stand united against Trumpism and an entrenched socio-economic system that marginalizes their shared interests in equal justice under law, fair elections, and proportional democratic representation.

All progress throughout history has been condemned as "radical". Radical ideas spurred the American Revolution, emancipation of slaves, voting rights for women, civil and voting rights of the 1960s, and more recently marriage and equal rights for the LGBTQ community.

To the entrenched power of the corporate and economic elites, democracy itself is a radical threat. This is why this power structure has embraced the evangelical white Right in resisting progress, a better democracy, and a more perfect union.

Opposing a fair representational democracy encompasses a strong opposition to our Constitutional provisions for taxes, regulation of commerce and the general welfare.

Government of, by, and for the people is a hindrance to the economic and political powers the established system holds for their government of, by, and for the economic elites and white nationalist Christian conservatives.

America is bigger than that. MOST Americans are not in that club, but it holds disproportional power.

Only radical ideas can speak for the majority today. "Democracy" is now radical. The right will insist we are a "biblical republic" or "Constitutional republic" and "not a democracy".

Of course this position ignores the common definitions of democracy and republic. Both require fair elections for a fair representative government.

Election denial is now supported by denial of democracy itself. This is what authoritarianism breeds.

So hell, yes. Most of us will stand united against enemies of equality and democracy. If not, our republic has failed. Franklin's "A republic if you can keep it", is ringing uncomfortably prophetic.

Dave Dubya said...

Dr. George,
I am also an avid history buff and student of the Second World War. My father-in-law served in Patton's 3rd Army in the Battle of the Bulge and liberated Buchenwald.

I'm not backing down on my comparison between Trump and Hitler. Putin is another such authoritarian. Their hate and lies tear countries apart. Putin and Trump are not Nazis, but they operate the same way.

The Republican Party may have a few decent people left, but as a whole they are in lockstep loyalty and fealty to Trump. Look how they fell in line behind Trump's choice for House Speaker. Look at how MOST of them regurgitate Trump's election lies and how they unite in pledges to pardon him for his crimes. Call it brainwashing or just treachery. It is evil.

This isn't normal. This is fascism rising.

Dr. George Karanastasis said...

Dave Dubya said..."I'm not backing down on my comparison between Trump and Hitler. Putin is another such authoritarian. Their hate and lies tear countries apart. Putin and Trump are not Nazis, but they operate the same way"

Dave I never said that your were, nor did I intend to ask you to "back down" on your comment. . However, what you are saying is ridiculous, and absurd.
Let me ask you this. In the four years that Donald Trump was the President, what did he do to bring you to that conclusion?
In fact I can make the case to say that the Biden administration is more dictatorial than the Trump administration was. And that goes for Donald Trump himself.
Think about this: Donald Trump never weaponized the Department of Justice, or the FBI..
But Joe Biden has.
Trump never used the unelected bureaus to side step Congress to push restrictions But Joe Biden has.
So what you accuse Trump of doing Biden has already done it
Think about it.

Dave Dubya said...

Dr. George,

I have indeed thought about these points.

Q: "In the four years that Donald Trump was the President, what did he do to bring you to that conclusion?"

A: Assuming you mean comparisons to Hitler?

Remember when Trump asked if he could just have undocumented immigrants summarily shot "in the legs"? Do you think he cared if they were shot in the head? I don't.

Since his defeat Trump said this:
“Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

In "Mein Kampf" Chapter 11 titled, "Nations and Race," Hitler wrote the following:

"All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning."

Trump echoes the Fuhrer's racist white nationalism using the racist term "blood poisoning".

Hitler said, “What good fortune for those in power that people do not think”.

Trump said, "I love the poorly educated".

Hitler and Trump were both ultra-nationalist white supremacists.

Hitler and Trump pretended to be victimized by minorities and stoked racist hate.

Hitler and Trump gained support by demonizing and scapegoating minorities.

Hitler and Trump loved large rallies of loyal fanatics, to lie, demonize, blame, and falsely accuse those they hated.

Every German Nazi pledged loyalty to the Fuhrer. Trump demanded loyalty and even illegal NDA's from federal employees. Their oaths were to the Constitution, not Trump.

Hitler and Trump would accuse anyone standing in his way of being a communist or Marxist, Jews in Hitler’s case, and Democrats, Black prosecutors and judges in Trump’s. He calls every Black DA and prosecutor who holds him accountable for crimes “racists”.

Hitler and Trump each incited a violent political insurrection to seize power. Hitler's Putsch was in 1923 and Trump's Putsch was January 2021.

Hitler had brown shirts and his SS thugs. Trump has his Proud Boys and Oath Keepers thugs.

Hitler had Goebbels. Trump has OAN, FOX(R), Newsmax, etc.

Hitler hated democracy. Trump tried to overturn our election.

Hitler and Trump encouraged police brutality.

Hitler and Trump admired Russian tyrants.

Hitler and Trump pandered to Christians.
("The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933)

Trump brandished a Bible for a photo op after GASSING non-violent protesters objecting to police brutality.

Hitler and Trump both HATED a free press. Journalism has always been seen as a threat by tyrants.

The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism.

Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when their lies are exposed and the truth threatens their agenda.


Dave Dubya said...


Hitler said, "The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

Trump is constantly calling Democrats "Marxists and communists".

Hitler and Trump were bigots who demonized homosexuals and denied women reproductive freedom.

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

Trump appointed Federalist Society theocrats to the Supreme Court to appease anti-abortion right-wing Christians.

When fascists tell you they’re fascists, believe them.

Trump declared: “Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

When enemies of the Constitution tell you what they are, believe them the first time.

More here:

"Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies"

The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.


Dave Dubya said...


Q: Donald Trump never weaponized the Department of Justice, or the FBI. But Joe Biden has. Think about this: Donald Trump never weaponized the Department of Justice, or the FBI.

A: This is certainly the Trumpist talking point, isn't it? Let's examine the reality.

Hitler imprisoned all political opponents.

If not for our Constitutional rule of law Trump would imprison his political opponents. He openly threatened to jail Hillary Clinton.

He fired FBI director Comey for not indicting her and not stopping the investigation into Russian interference in 2016. His campaign met with Russians several times and gave Russians poll data. They met with them in Trump Tower for dirt on Hillary. Trump then bragged about firing Comey to Russians in the Oval Office.

Trump pardoned his criminal toadies and frequently tried to weaponize the DOJ, even to the degree he wanted to fire the AG and replace him with Jeff Clark who was ready to follow his leader's order to, "Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the House Republicans".

If urging the DOJ to overturn an election isn't weaponizing it, I don't know what would be.

But there's more:

• Trump told his White House counsel that he wanted to order probes of Clinton and Comey, per the Times. (His press secretary in late 2017 also said prosecuting Comey was “something that certainly should be looked at” at the Justice Department.)
• Trump said publicly in late 2020 that former president Barack Obama and former vice president Joe Biden should be indicted and indicated he had made such a case to his attorney general, William P. Barr.
• He said in 2019 that it would be “appropriate” for him to ask for an investigation of Biden.
• A Justice Department office was tasked with investigating former secretary of state John F. Kerry in 2018, two days after Trump tweeted about Kerry’s “possibly illegal” activities and the same day Trump said Kerry “should be prosecuted,” according to former U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman’s book.
• A Trump political appointee in 2018 asked Berman to prosecute a prominent Democratic lawyer, Gregory Craig, and to do so before the midterms, Berman also said. (When Berman declined, it was prosecuted in Washington, where the jury acquitted Craig of lying to the Justice Department.)

Are you still certain that, "Donald Trump never weaponized the Department of Justice, or the FBI." This statement frames the radical Right accusation that Biden does what Trump tried frequently. It is called projection. There's also no evidence Biden made any similar attempt to abuse the DOJ for personal political goals.

Then there's the obvious comparison.

Hitler and Trump are criminals and insurrectionists. Hitler was imprisoned for his 1923 Putsch.

Trump is INDICTED on FOUR CRIMINAL COUNTS for his 2020 election interference.

Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
Count 2: 18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 3: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 4: 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)
In Georgia Trump is charged with:

Criminal racketeering under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
Soliciting a public officer to violate their oath
Conspiring to impersonate a public officer
Conspiring to commit forgery with false electors
Conspiring to commit false statements
Making false statements
Conspiring to file false documents

Thanks for your interest, Doc.

Dr. George Karanastasis said...

Your Post is nonsense.

Dave Dubya said...

Aw, George. I'm disappointed. I thought for a minute you'd offer some facts and evidence to support your opinion. Alas. Facts and reason are irrelevant to the radical Right.

I suppose it's futile to ask you to follow the simple template I offered.

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”

I'll make it easier.

Dave, you said, "___________".
I have the following facts "___________" and evidence "_________" that show you are mistaken.

I await this important information. If I'm wrong, I want to hear the truth. I'm odd that way. Trumpists would NEVER understand this.

Dr. George Karanastasis said...

And by the way Dave, I found your “explanation” above not only to contain unnecessary sarcasm, but your entire diatribe contained a bitter and abusive way of writing. Consequently I see no purpose in continuing this any further. But thank you anyway for your disrespectful replies, and for your Stupid Hitler quotes.

And by the way, as a "Trumpist: I understand COMPLETELY. And I also understand that I must be dealing with a Child, so please forgive me, My Mistake. And your "Template" above, that I found to be foolish, was unnecessary.

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your mature and thoughtful criticism. As a “foolish child” I bow to your restraint from employing ad hominem and insulting terms.

It’s sad that your sensitivities to my “disrespectful bitter and abusive sarcasm” obscure all the facts you requested I share. I also thank you for confirming FEELINGS over facts has always been the way of the radical Right.

”And by the way, as a "Trumpist: I understand COMPLETELY.”

I see. Like a “stable genius” would “understand completely" without regard to facts and reason, I gather?

I get it. You wanted to grill me but offered no information or reasoned opinion in return.

“Stupid Hitler quotes” happen to be actual historical documentation. Just like stupid Trump quotes about the “weaponizing law enforcement” by “racist Marxist Democrats” that you eagerly regurgitate.

No wonder you needed to block out all my facts. Only "Alternative facts" from Messiah Trump is your gospel.

Of course you emotionally react to my accurate comparisons of Trump to the rise of Hitler. Why is that? Does it touch a nerve?

Here’s the fun part.

You made a revealing comment at the Trumpist blog “Who’s Your Daddy”. (How apropos is THAT authoritarian masthead !)

”When Israel wins the Gaza war will Obama, Biden, Brennan, and Valerie Jarrett Flee to South America, similarly to Nazi Germany's Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Walter Rauff, Franz Stangl and Other Notorious Nazis and try and hide out for the next 20 years.birds of a feather flock together.”

Cuz Obama and Biden are Racist/Nazi/Marxist/Globalist/Commies? THAT will teach me for showing historical comparisons between Trump and Hiter.

Your fantasy is classic Trumpist hypocrisy and projection, shining through in contrast to my presentation of historical facts. No wonder your defense mechanism had to kick in and declare my simple request for facts and evidence “foolish”. We’ve learned there is nothing more abhorrent to Trumpists than facts and evidence. No doubt this is why they cover their eyes and ears in reaction to fact and evidence-supported CRIMINAL INDICTMENNTS against Der MAGA Fuhrer.

Then you cryptically added this remark:

”the Biden administration is sticking to its Pre -Oct. 7 approach to the Middle East and so effectively working toward Israel’s defeat. For starters, the Biden team still refuses to admit that Iran is pulling the strings in Tehran.”

What is this “Pre-Oct. 7 approach”?

Surely you’re not meaning something real.

In 2020, the US gave $3.8bn in aid to Israel - part of a long-term, yearly commitment made under the Obama administration. Almost all of this aid was for military assistance. This support came as part of an agreement signed by former president Barack Obama in 2016 for an overall package of $38bn in military aid over the decade 2017-2028.

Yup. This is why Trumpists FEEL Obama is “antisemitic” as well as a “Racist/Nazi/Marxist/Globalist/Commie”.

And what better icing could be spread on your nonsense cake than, “The Biden team still refuses to admit that Iran is pulling the strings in Tehran.”

I’ll just let that “wisdom” marinate in its own juices.

And there you have it. A corrupted mind cannot see anything that doesn’t conform to the indoctrination. All contradictory reasoning, facts and evidence must be rejected and dismissed with extreme prejudice.

This is MAGA.

Les Carpenter said...

Dr. GK certainly struggles with reality. He knows you're right but his tribal indoctrinations keep him tied to his right wing conditioniing.

Les Carpenter said...

And i would add Dave... MAGA is a cancer rotting the minds of the uncurious and ill informed zombies of the Cult of tRump.

TOM said...

STUPID is what STUPID does!
Get It You Moronic Idiot?

Dave Dubya said...

I don't think Trumpists are capable of knowing we are right about anything. They ARE resentful and angry that WE know what THEY don't.

And look at TOM. Wasn't it nice of him to confirm it?

Dave Miller said...

Dave, why do you let Tom mock and call Dr George? Really, I expected more from you...

Now on to the serious stuff... in a little bit of your style.

Not all MAGA folks are racists, KKK supporters or worse.

Not all MAGA folks support the "Jews will not replace us" crowd.

Not all MAGA folks support the folks who severely beat over 100 Capitol Police and tried to overthrow the 2020 election.

Not all MAGA folks believe it is wrong for gay people or interracial couples to marry.

Not all MAGA folks refuse to consider sensible legislation to limit access to automatic weapons for the average Joe.

Not all MAGA folks believe a woman does not have a right to choice as it relates to abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.

Not all MAGA folks believe America will be better off with a thrice married, cheating, convicted rapist, fraudster and serial liar in the White House.

Not all of them at all.

But we really need to ask why those miscreants of US society feel so at home, so welcome in today's MAGA GOP.

Dave Dubya said...

It just goes to show the Party of Trump has such a big tent, that it's large enough to hold a Nuremberg rally.

Not all Trumpists are Nazis, but all Nazis are Trumpists.

Les Carpenter said...

Thanks so much TOM! Coming from a tRumper i cannot think of a better compliment.

You have a fine evening now, ya hear?

Les Carpenter said...

@Dave Miller... i'm willing to grant that not all MAGA's are the things you pointed out. What i cannot wrap my mind around is how those "more normal" MAGA's can support his bid for the 2024 top spot on the GOP ticket. Hell, he's what, 27 points ahead of Haley and DeSantis?

Probably jusr me.

Deal With It said...

Most OF US Americans are not in favor of fighting wars for other people. This will turn out badly at home since Biden has already let in thousands upon thousands of sympathizing. Biden is just to INEPT, and to Senile to even realize what he’s done. Hamas/Iranian/Syrian military aged individuals at our open southern border. Expect reprisals on our home soil IF we declare war on Iran and Syria. Isn’t it funny that a weak president like Joe Biden is the one who gets us in a war. He fails at doing what it takes to deter a thing like this from appending . But he won’t be as lucky as he was in Afghanistan or from Russia invading Ukraine. The big QUESTION IS what will this failure wind up doing? And what’s next?
Joey, and Bath House Barry pain IRAN 6 BILLION Big Ones to strike against the Israeli’s . He’s Armed the Iranian proxies to kill them.....Deflecting from his, and his Son’s crimes being exposed in the impeachment inquiry. What I’m afraid of is reprisals on our home soil

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your opinion.
I understand how being so afraid can be very stressful.
Many Americans deal with a similar sense of dread, only their is a fear of losing our democracy to an authoritarian criminal and his abettors. We also feel disturbed and horrified by the evils and madness of wars.
I hope that sharing your anxieties will lower your stress.
I feel better sharing mine and knowing we have something in common.

Grung_e_Gene said...

There problem is identifying the forces of Fascist Fundamentalism as simply slack-jawed yokels. While I know the Senator John N. Kennedy types in Louisiana affect a cajun warble, the forces of MAGA are well-funded and well-to-do bourgeoisie, with many educated in Ivy League and wanna-be Ivies. Thus the leadership and upper ranks of the NAT-C movement (which descended upon the Capitol on Jan6th, which led the Brooks Brothers riot in 2000 to steal the election from Al Gore, which spends all day listening to the mutant ideological descendants of Racist Limpballs) are often middle class whites who complain about the prices of gas or eggs or whatever after they've sent their monthly $1000 donation to Traitor Trump.

Doc said...

I'm from an immigrant family of doctors and businesses execs. And I take issue with the stupid things that you have been saying about my fellow Americans no matter what party they belong to., But people like you will always be of the dregs of society. I'm not saying that because it’s fair or not, but because they are the facts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hi Dave,

I was looking on Google for that quote by Hitler for today's post at my blog. And I found it here. I've posted it on my blog today because it's about the Christian Nationalist "Nat-C" Speaker and his wife and their push for a theocracy for America. (I've linked to your post today).

Too many gullible Christians don't take the time to read history, so they and us are condemned to repeat it.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, there's a reason why tyrants like Trump and Hitler say thinks like, "I love the poorly educated" and "What good fortune for those in power that people do not think”.

History tells us how Hitler cozied up to German bankers and capitalists like the Krupps. Republicans have learned that the frightened white evangelicals are the easiest group to con into supporting their anti-democratic corporatocracy.

"Useful idiots" are always eager to have their resentments and bigotry sponsored by Big Money and mendacious politicians.

You're lucky to have been born into money. Maybe you're not a Christian, but it's too bad you care so little about the "least of us", and for our system designed for equal justice under law and fair elections with representative democracy.

Such is your fealty to an insurrectionist liar and bully.

But then, how would I know what your thoughts are besides the typical radical Right talking points and hate rhetoric?

Here's your opportunity with an easy-to-use format to set me straight:

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


"Dave, I'm afraid what you said here, "_________" is really stupid. Here are the facts, information and reasoning you missed. "___________".

I suppose this is asking far too much for Trumpists to wrap their heads around.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks. I'll add a little more historical similarities between the original Nazis and American Neo-Nazi MAGAts:

In September 1933, the Nazis created the Reich Chamber of Culture to assure the Nazification of German culture.


Nazi leaders sought to control Germany not only politically, but also culturally. The regime restricted the type of art that could be produced, displayed, and sold. In 1937, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels made plans to show the public the forms of art that the regime deemed unacceptable. He organized the confiscation and exhibition of so-called “degenerate” art.

Also on October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

Doc said...

Luck has nothing to do with American Patriotism. The Progressive Group that YOU belong with are the DISGUSTING branch of America, and we all know it.
There is something wrong with American Citizens who side with the Palestinians, and with what Biden has done to this country and yet call Donald Trump a Hitler.
I would say that their Brains are upside down in their heads.

A Proud Member of the FJB Community said...

Again I must make reference to the Progressive movement who have been born to late and who are obsessed with Donald Trump, and who can't see anything wrong with the Idiot running the Country today, and running her into the ground. . And yes, SO very true that people who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. I think the problem is too many Americans only get their information from watching CNN, and that Lunatic Rachel Maddow. More people need to understand that you're not going to get the whole truth from the mouthpieces of the corrupt powers behind all of these psycho’s, and mentally unstable people on “The View”. . And stories based on lies.

But I'm starting to get tired of repeating myself. You can lead a horse to water, but....
I really thought you were smarter than this. Obviously Hamas is guilty, does this really need to be spelled out for you? If you can't grasp the idea that Hamas is guilty AND other (higher) forces could be at work at the same time, then I don't know what to tell you. That doesn't excuse diabolical things that Hamas has done. But if you refuse to look at anything other than the idiot box, and refuse to listen to the former IDF woman who worked in intelligence, then you'll never understand that things are not as simplistic and binary as you and others think they are. But I really don't care what you believe.
Those video is from 7 days ago. It was “Confirmed”, those Hamas TERRORIST’S were raping Young Girls and behead Babies.
Only a coward would behead children, and that’s exactly what those Terrorist’s from Hamas were doing. And add to that the taking of 230 Hostages of all ages including young Children. .....
Like leading a horse to water, nothing will change their Brainwashed minds, because they have been brainwashed to believe that Israeli’s are more barbaric than Hamas is, and that Hamas is just resisting Israel's barbarity against the Palestinians. It's all a lie, because over the year's we've seen the barbaric acts of the Hamas, and you would think that the Palestinians would reject those horrific attacks and barbarism as being a way towards regional peace. Israel Forensic Team Say Victims Were Abused, and even Burned alive. .

Dave Dubya said...

"Proud Member",

Obviously you didn't read my post when I stated:

"I hate terrorism and condemn Hamas...I wish there were no such terror organizations like Hamas, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS."

Most Palestinians hate what Hamas has done. I reject any idiocy and bigotry that rejects this reality. It's like saying every American is a Trumpist insurrectionist, Klansman or Proud Boy. Most Americans want nothing to do with them.

"Palestinian President Abbas condemns violence against civilians"

RAMALLAH, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned violence against civilians on Thursday in the wake of the devastating attack by Hamas gunmen on Israel and the relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israeli jets that followed.

The comments, made during a visit to Jordan, come ahead of a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and mark a shift from Abbas' previous failure to condemn Saturday's attack, during which more than 1,000 Israelis were killed.

"We reject the practices of killing civilians or abusing them on both sides because they contravene morals, religion and international law," the official Palestinian news agency Wafa quoted Abbas as saying.

He said the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited governance in the occupied West Bank and which has long been opposed to Hamas, the Islamist movement which controls Gaza, stood against violence and would pursue political action to achieve its goals.

As I responded to your identical post at WYD:

Yes, "You can lead a horse to water, nothing will change their Brainwashed minds.

Exhibit A:
By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:
Joe Biden 51.3%
81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral
Donald (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!) Trump 46.8%
74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

Exhibit B:
By all documented evidence and sworn testimony:

Donald Trump has been INDICTED for his Mar-A-Lago Documents Crimes

Counts 1-31: 18 USC 793(e) Willful Retention of National Defense Information
Count 32: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(k) Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
Count 33: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(b) Withholding a Document or Record
Count 34: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c) Corruptly Concealing a Document or Record

Exhibit C:
By all documented evidence and sworn testimony:

Donald Trump has been INDICTED on FOUR CRIMINAL COUNTS for his 2020 election interference.

Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
Count 2: 18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 3: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 4: 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)

Exhibit D:
By RAMALLAH, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned violence against civilians on Thursday in the wake of the devastating attack by Hamas gunmen on Israel and the relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israeli jets that followed.

The comments, made during a visit to Jordan, come ahead of a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and mark a shift from Abbas' previous failure to condemn Saturday's attack, during which more than 1,000 Israelis were killed.:
In Georgia Trump is charged with:

Criminal racketeering under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
Soliciting a public officer to violate their oath
Conspiring to impersonate a public officer
Conspiring to commit forgery with false electors
Conspiring to commit false statements
Making false statements
Conspiring to file false documents
Only brainwashing can induce someone to ignore and dismiss all the documented evidence and sworn testimony.

Dave Dubya said...

Doc, Or AKA "Proud Member",

"Luck has nothing to do with American Patriotism."
What does that even mean?

You have no idea how disgusting Trump and his duped cult are to most Americans. You can only regurgitate your cult indoctrination.

You seem to be deluded into the belief that all Palestinians are Hamas. That's like saying every American is a Trumpist. WRONG.

Whatever you find disgusting, please cite my words to support your accusation. Otherwise it comes across as mindless hate. (Hint: It IS.)

Again, here's your opportunity with an easy-to-use format to set me straight:

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


"Dave, I'm afraid what you said here, "_________" is really stupid. Here are the facts, information and reasoning you missed. "___________".

I'll tell you why you flee from the very idea of good faith discussion and debate. You are averse to the terms "facts" and "evidence".

I'd be happy if you'd show where I am mistaken. But I know you cannot.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, Proud states that he is "starting to get tired of repeating myself."

I strongly doubt if that is true, as he could just choose to stop cutting and pasting drivel from other sources around the net.

It looks like the folks from Lisa's home of her self admitted "false facts" have descended on you. And at a level that will not allow them to even consider your easy to use templates related to facts, evidence and fiction.

Maybe they'd like to take a stab at my template...

"Dave, I am unable to respond to you using facts and real evidence because:
___ A. Facts and real evidence contradict my statements.
___ B. I would have to admit I am wrong.
___ C. I prefer to copy and post anonymous opinions from around the net and represent them as factual. Even though they are not."

Maybe they'll like this one better.

Dave Dubya said...

That would certainly apply to their cult indoctrination. It shows their unspoken reflexive position.

It's a pity they can't comprehend my honest attempt at encouraging their actual THOUGHTS.

But it's a hurdle too high for their delicate FEELINGS to surmount. Their "thinking" can only be what Trump tells them. And his message is ALWAYS "lies, resentment, anger, fear, and hate".

Such manufactured emotional darkness is their chosen hell on Earth. Mendacious Malevolent Messiah Trump's words mean more to them than their alleged Savior Jesus.

Trump is their anti-Christ they have chosen to worship instead.

Les Carpenter said...

When the Netanyahu Fascist Israeli government stops its ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestinian children, women, and non military men maybe it makes to support that.

Until then America should solidy and unequivocally support a total and complete cease fire followed by a free and independent Palestinian state. Free of the Israeli influence and mistreatment of its innocents.

Hamas itself should be dealt with as equals and negotiated with in good faith and with honor. Anything less will merely result in more of the same hatred, destruction, and death that has been occuring since 1967. To continue to follow the same ignorant reasoning is the very definition and heights of insanity.

Dave Dubya said...

The cycle of hate and madness will continue as long as Israelis and Palestinians oppose a two-state solution. It seems most prefer the way it is...

Les Carpenter said...

Dave... Until the Israel people and the US government realize the egregiously inhumane way the innocent Palestinian people have been treated by the Israeli Zionist government not a god damned thing will change. IMO it is encumbent upon Israel and the US to make this right. The west created the mess in 1946 and it is the west's and Israel's responsibility to set it right.

Dave Dubya said...

The West also arbitrarily drew borders throughout the Middle East after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

Les Carpenter said...

Of course. The US and the west's interests were all that was really considered seriously. When that is the only real crireria for success being considered we see the results. The present day realities.

We can and must do better.

Dr. George Karanastasis said...

After the horror of the past two or three weeks the former President Donald Trump proclaimed in one of his Truth Social tirades that, Our Founding Fathers are looking down at Joe Biden with nothing but disbelief, and scorn right now. They’re looking down at Biden and this inept Crooked administration with disbelief.
The problem is that an inept, unprincipled, and corrupt Socialist Government attacked Donald Trump first and refused to change it’s also “Corrupt Self through any means But followed the lead by another Inept, and Crooked bunch , namely Nancy Pelosi, Adam Shiff who has always championed progressive values , and the entire Squad, and of course Cory Booker.

But the real problem is the naive, stupid individuals, like you,
Who listens and believes Biden, and the rest of these CROOKS every opportunity that there is. You as well as the others in that Progressive Piece of Shit are an embarrassment to the rest of the Country, You and your “Lefty Friends flatter these Corrupt Politicians and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day. And the end result is the dangerous situation that THIS President has put us in right now as I type.

Dave Dubya said...


I don't take the word at face value from any politician. I don't know any Biden voter who buys hats and flags. Sure there are some, but not to the cult level of Trumpists.

Your unquestioning fealty and blind faith in the words of Donald Trump are of a religious fervor. You DARE NOT consider the fact that he LIES.

Your FEELINGS will deny the reality that Trump is a liar. You worship his very words as infallible truth. He is literally your messiah.

You are so far detached from reality you BELIEVE the founders would worship him too, and ignore or even admire him for sending a violent mob to terrorize Congress, desecrate our Capitol, and beat cops bloody to overturn an election. With NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT HIS BIG LIE!

Trump REFUSED to call them off in hopes they would steal the election for him. After HOURS of doing NOTHING but watching them on TV and tweeting, he would PRAISE HIS THUGS, saying, "You're very special. We love you".

In your mind your messiah can do no wrong nor speak no lie. EVERYONE who holds him accountable or disagrees with your messiah is evil, for he is sent by God to save America and is above the law. That, sir, is a cult mentality.

Biden won a fair election. Trump lost and lied. And YOU CANNOT SHOW EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY.

By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:

Joe Biden 51.3%
81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral

Donald (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!) Trump 46.8%
74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

Got a problem with that? Then show me.

Again, here's your opportunity with an easy-to-use format to set me straight:

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


"Dave, I'm afraid what you said here, "_________" is really stupid. Here are the facts, information and reasoning you missed. "___________".

I'll tell you why you flee from the very idea of good faith discussion and debate. You are averse to the terms "facts" and "evidence".

I'd be happy if you'd show where I am mistaken. But I know you cannot. You are in a cult full of racist white nationalists, liars, greedheads, and duped simpletons. Which are YOU?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hi Dave,

Only Les, Dave M., G.Gene, and I actually have links to a blog in our name. The rest of the escapees from Lisa's Latrines do not. That is telling, and probably means that those names are coming from one person, possibly WYD characters who calls themself "Mystere" "Rattrapper," or "TOM," or someone who's stolen their name. The Dr. K. character is hilarious. In fact, if you read his and others' posts closely, they all sound like the same person. The grammar is atrocious, the writing is sloppy, and the sentiments they express are pure MAGA bullpuckey and nothing more than cut and paste.

Also, if you look at WYD's sidebar where the list of blogs Lisa links to, you'll discover that SEVEN OUT OF THE EIGHT she has listed are either defunct, suspended, or the blog host has died. Lisa doesn't even care enough about her blog to get rid of the deadwood. The only blog that's still in existence is the GEEEZ blog, and only true MAGA believers are allowed to post there.

Heck, it's true that WYD is Lisa's blog and she can treat it as she pleases, but it also shows she really doesn't care about it.

And neither should we.

One of her past posters, who died in 2020 (Free Thinke), gave it the name, "Lisa's Latrine," and he aptly named it.

Dave Dubya said...

I have no doubt that the MAGAts hide behind multiple IDs. After all, they're racists, bigots, simpletons, sociopaths and liars.

Hitler's "American Dream".

Lisa's Latrine. Perfect.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...those names are coming from one person, possibly WYD characters who calls themself "Mystere" "Rattrapper," or "TOM," or someone who's stolen their name."

Speaking of bad grammar! That should have read: "...WYD characters who call themselves..."

I often forget to proofread!

Dave Dubya said...

We all post spelling/grammar errors, but we check our facts, evidence and reasoning.

Dave Miller said...

George, like many of your MAGA supporting friends, you exhibit a reverence for our Founding Fathers.

Here's a quote from Alexander Hamilton. Read it and ask yourself this...

Does it apply more to Joe Biden, or Donald Trump?

And then specifically, tell us how.

"Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”

We'll await your reply.

Dave Dubya said...

Hamilton's insight has no value in Doc George's cult. Trump's sacred and infallible words and purity of character overrules the founders and rule of law. They're so crazy they think the founders would worship Trump along with them.

Anonymous said...

Out standing, but will liberals watch?

Dave Dubya said...

OK, Anonymous, I'll bite.

Maher has been cashing in on his “anti-woke” rants lately. It’s always easy picking on drag queens isn’t it? They don’t rape kids or massacre innocent Americans with AR-15s, but he needs to appear “balanced” to keep his ratings up with controversial culture war fodder.

Maher notes western civilization brought us democracy, women’s rights, even “the powers that be must submit to the rule of law”.

None of these are exemplified by Trump’s lie and efforts to steal the election, or by Republicans gerrymandering Blacks out of fair representation, and denying women reproductive freedom to the point they must bear the child of their father or rapist.

All of this is rolling western civilization backwards to another century.

He paints the rosiest picture of white western civilization, but conveniently ignored the dark side.

Like it or not, Hitler and Mussolini were also part of western civilization.

He ignores Putin’s fascist brutality and war crimes, and Viktor Orban’s authoritarian regime. (People Trump praises.)

He defends Israel as being created by the UN but ignores what happened to the Palestinians who had their land and homes taken from them. The UN only assured more Middle East tribal warfare. Hamas didn’t rise in a vacuum, but from festering resentments and anger. Sort of like Trump.

Finally, he pronounced, “Stop thinking of western civilization like it’s a contradiction of terms. It’s not. You’re thinking of moderate republicans”.

Did you watch long enough to get that?

Thinking said...

LOL a NaziLib calling a Righty a"Nazis"......fascinating..... BUT RIDICULOUS

Dave Dubya said...

"Thinking" can't THINK of any ideological similarities between Libs and Nazis. But name-calling is a Nazi/Trump tradition.

Let’s look at the similarities between Trump and Hitler and Republicans and Nazis, shall we?

First let’s note that everyone at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville were Trump supporters, including the tiki-torch Nazi parade. One of them murdered an innocent woman.

Tennessee Republicans refused to take a stand against neo-Nazis. (Because they were their voters.)

A resolution denouncing neo-Nazis dies in 36 seconds
It sounds like the kind of legislation that should easily breeze through a statehouse, even in these politically divided times: a resolution denouncing white nationalists and neo-Nazis.
It didn’t even make it out of committee in the Tennessee legislature.
The resolution was written by Tennessee Democratic state Rep. John Ray Clemmons. It doesn’t name any particular group. It calls on law enforcement to go after white nationalists and Neo-Nazi groups with the same “fervor” as other forms of terrorism.
“[We] urge law enforcement to recognize these white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations and to pursue the criminal elements of these domestic terrorist organizations in the same manner and with the same fervor used to protect the United States from other manifestations of terrorism.”
But when it came up Wednesday before the House State Government Subcommittee, it died a quick death. How quick? About 36 seconds.
The abundant comparisons between Hitler and Trump are an interesting study of paranoid populism and racist fascism.

In "Mein Kampf" Chapter 11 titled, "Nations and Race," Hitler wrote the following:

"All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning."

And "Adolf" Trump echoes the Fuhrer's racist white nationalism all the way with:

“Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

Hitler and Trump both HATED a free press. Journalism has always been seen as a threat by tyrants.

The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism. Now American fascists cry “liberal media”, “fake news” and “enemy of the people” when their lies are exposed, and the truth threatens their agenda.

Hitler said, “What good fortune for those in power that people do not think”.

Trump said, "I love the poorly educated".

Hitler and Trump were both ultra-nationalist white supremacists.

Hitler and Trump pretended to be victimized by minorities and stoked racist hate.

Hitler and Trump gained support by demonizing and scapegoating minorities.

Hitler and Trump loved large rallies of racist loyal fanatics to lie, demonize, blame, and falsely accuse those they hated.

Every German Nazi pledged loyalty to the Fuhrer. Every American neo-Nazi is a Trump supporter.

Hitler imprisoned all political opponents. If not for our Constitutional rule of law, Trump would imprison his political opponents. He openly threatened to jail Hillary Clinton

Hitler and Trump would accuse anyone standing in his way of being a communist or Marxist, Jews in Hitler’s case, and Democrats, Black prosecutors, and judges in Trump’s. He calls every Black DA and prosecutor who holds him accountable for crimes “racists”.

Hitler and Trump were insurrectionist criminals.

Hitler and Trump each incited a violent political insurrection to seize power. Hitler's Putsch was in 1923 and Trump's Putsch was January 2021.

Dave Dubya said...

Here's more of what "Thinking" can't mentally process:

Hitler had brown shirts and his SS thugs. Trump has his Proud Boys and Oath Keepers thugs.

Hitler had Goebbels. Trump has OAN, FOX(R), Newsmax, etc.

Hitler hated democracy. Trump tried to overturn our election.

Hitler and Trump encouraged police brutality.

Hitler and Trump admired Russian tyrants.

Hitler and Trump demanded loyalty over competence.

Hitler and Trump smeared educators and liberals who disagreed with them as “Communists”.

Hitler and Trump were anti-union.

On May 2, 1933, just three months after Adolf Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the SA and police occupied the offices of German Trade Unions, seizing control of them.

The NLRB members Trump appointed made it more difficult for unions to win representation at nonunion workplaces. He issued three Executive Orders aimed at degrading the rights of federal sector employees.

On the day Biden stood with the UAW union strikers, Trump held a rally at an anti-union company with FAKE union supporters. One individual in the crowd who held a sign that said "union members for Trump," acknowledged that she wasn't a union member when approached by a Detroit News reporter after the event. Another person with a sign that read "auto workers for Trump" said he wasn't an auto worker when asked for an interview. Both people didn't provide their names.

Hitler and Trump pandered to Christians.
("The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933)

Trump brandished a Bible for a photo op after GASSING non-violent protesters objecting to police brutality.

Hitler and Trump were bigots who demonized homosexuals and denied women reproductive freedom.

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.
Trump appointed unqualified theocrats to the Supreme Court to appease anti-abortion right-wing Christians.

When fascists tell you they’re fascists, believe them.

Trump declared: “Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

When enemies of the Constitution tell you what they are, believe them the first time.

Suzanne said...

Twenty-two Democrats joined 212 House Republicans to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Tuesday night
The House FINALLY votes to Censure Rashida Tlaib over her anti-Israel comments! Now if we count GET RID of her and her ILK meaning the entire SQUAD!

It is dangerous to the Country, as well as to the entire World when we have rabid anti-Semites in the American Congress. This is very serious, and a “Censure” isn’t enough. Censure is only a slap on the wrist.

Her ILK ( that whole Squad) wants nothing less then the elimination of Israel.
She supports Terrorism and the Intentional Rape Mutilation and Murder of innocent civilians even little Babies. She is racist, and a Jew hater, and anyone who does not condemn her are actively supporting anti-antisemitism.

Certainly anyone who voted for her hates Jews .It is unbelievable that IN THIS COUNTRY, at this day and age, we still have active, anti-smites, who are hostile, jihadist enemies to America in Congress. As if treasonous, bed wetting, fascist freaks of nature in all their incredible stupidity weren't enough. You'd think the Democratic Party would want to protect us from these the deviant perverts better then they are doing.

Les Carpenter said...

Perhaps the Zionist government should censure Netanyahu for his genocidal slaughter of innocent Palestinian children, women, and non combat males. Over10,000 dead in Gaza as the death and destruction continues. With full support of our MIC an the Biden administration.


Dave Dubya said...

The Israeli Left as well as most of the country are sick of the crooked authoritarian thug boss Netanyahu. He's their Trump, and he's just as cold-blooded as any tyrant.

I'd hate to be Biden having to deal with two wars and Putin's party of American fascists ready to hand over Ukraine AND wipe out Gaza.

I can't remember who said the UN's biggest mistake was Israel. What was well-intentioned compensation for European Jews ended up triggering endless tribal/religious/territorial strife.

This was after the west had already drawn border lines throughout the middle east after WWI.

Our part in this tragedy is the US can't stop being the arms merchant of the west. Biden needs to tell Netanyahu his bombs are on back order. Hamas needs to tell Netanyahu to cease fire for hostages. But that's as likely as Bibi halting the war for the hostages to be returned.


I deeply respect the American Jews and Israelis who demand a ceasefire.

The Hawk said...

The American Citizens v as well as most of the other countries are sick of the crooked, paranoid, and deranged, neurotic leader Joe Biden he's just as mentally deranged as any other mentally-out-to lunch dictator.

Dave Dubya said...

Clearly you speak for yourself. You show no evidence to support your opinion.

A Proud Member of the FJB Community said...

Since writing my last post, there has been a major world event that I believe can serve as exhibit A for how Leftist ideologies create real world havoc outside the ivory towers: The latest conflict between Israel and Palestine, specifically Hamas. I will admit that I am not as familiar with all the intricacies of the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict, however did some further research to give more context:

Various peoples who identify as Jewish, culturally and religiously historically have had many waves of persecution, darting all the way back to ancient Babylon, the Egyptians, the Romans, up to more modern persecutions such as the Pogroms in Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries and more infamously, the Holocaust by Nazi Germany. Having had the need to flee the places they had settled, or were driven out forcibly, much of the world’s Jewish population has been scattered. In light of this, some Jewish people wanted to create a Jewish State to call home, which Israel’s founding fulfills. The region where Israel and Palestine are today historically is also considered the Jewish Peoples’ ancestral homeland from antiquity; where the ancient Israelite Kingdoms were in the ancient Middle East belonging to the ancient Israelites. This region also has deep religious ties to the Jewish people, as the Land of Israel which is the land they had in antiquity, is mentioned in their religious texts. Back to more recent history, after World War I, regions of the Middle East were divided among various European nations and Britain got the region Israel and Palestine are in which was called the British Mandate, and lasted from 1923-1948. Jews who wanted self-government of the area, and wanted Britain to allow Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust to immigrate to Palestine pushed back against the British Mandate. At the same time, there were growing Arab nationalist sentiments and they pushed back against the Jewish groups wanting to govern the region leading to conflict. Due to these pressures, Britain eventually ended the mandate and the State of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948. Since this founding, there have been numerous conflicts between Israel and Palestine.

Obviously, this is a very broad and somewhat oversimplified overview. However, the focus on this current event has further fueled the political divide here in the US. The Left has shown to be anti-Israel and sympathizes with Palestine. While they characterize the ongoing conflict as a humanitarian tragedy, which in many ways it is, like all war, the Left sees the conflict as a form of resistance by Palestine against Israel as the oppressor! In fact, far Leftist politicians such as AOC have already come out saying that Israel is on a genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza since Israel told civilians to evacuate before they counter attack Hamas who attacked and killed hundreds of Israeli civilians first. As far as I heard, Hamas gave Israeli civilians no such warning before launching their offensive. Hamas is also holding many women and children hostage and most likely is killing them. The mainstream media also is covering the conflict in an obviously pro-Palestine slant. Like always, instead of letting us think for ourselves as to who did what and if it was justified, the Left needs to spoon feed us the answers.

A Proud Member of the FJB Community said...

In fact, BLM has gone as far as to openly support Hamas, changing their logo to a Hamas terrorist with a paraglider! Popular Left leaning sites published articles detailing how Black people identify with Palestine as they feel oppressed by America through “systemic racism”. I witnessed the Left’s double standard when I read the statement on the events in Israel and Palestine by a senior leader in my workplace who has ties to Israel supporting Israel, and then not a week after, needed to publish a second statement “affirming the diversity” of all cultural and religious backgrounds implying that there were complaints and the higher ups probably told him to say that –or else. Would this have happened had he had ties to Palestine? I doubt it… Instead of terrorists who attacked innocent people at a concert and hunted down civilians in cold blood, Hamas is implicitly characterized as freedom fighters against the colonial powers that be. With BLM identifying so strongly with Hamas, is it a stretch to predict more extreme violence from BLM in the future against who they see as the oppressors? With the Left implicitly and not so implicitly condoning terrorism and war, what will they support and turn a blind eye towards regarding America? If one is justified in eliminating who they deem colonizers, and believes America is a nation founded on oppression and colonization, what do you think they will feel justified in doing?

Israel is like us in many ways; they are a Westernized democratic country and have been an ally in a region surrounded by our enemies as well as theirs. Why do non-Western 3rd world countries always seem to get a free pass to have horrible standards of living for their citizens, be plagued by war and violence and attack the West, while Western nations have to treat them with diplomacy and “cultural appreciation”? I honestly wonder why the Left, which does comprise of many Jewish people who lean Left politically, identifies more with a country that hates Jews and would love to see them eliminated! Unlike us though, Israel actually has the spine to stand up to their enemies even if it’s not deemed politically correct! Perhaps it’s because unlike us, they don’t have the ideological privilege of believing in “cultural relativism” when those criticizing Israel are actively killing its citizens! As much backlash as BLM has gained, imagine how much more it would get if they were to turn the entire US into an active war zone day in and day out and we, like Israelis, have to hide in bomb shelters as a routine matter

A Proud Member of the FJB Community said...

Twenty-two Democrats joined 212 House Republicans to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Tuesday night
The House FINALLY votes to Censure Rashida Tlaib over her anti-Israel comments! Now if we count GET RID of her and her ILK meaning the entire SQUAD!

It is dangerous to the Country, as well as to the entire World when we have rabid anti-Semites in the American Congress. This is very serious, and a “Censure” isn’t enough. Censure is only a slap on the wrist.

Her ILK ( that whole STINKING, SMELLY, Squad) wants nothing less then the elimination of Israel.
She supports Terrorism and the Intentional Rape Mutilation and Murder of innocent civilians even little Babies. She is racist, and a Jew hater, and anyone who does not condemn her are actively supporting anti-antisemitism.

Certainly anyone who voted for her hates Jews .It is unbelievable that IN THIS COUNTRY, at this day and age, we still have active, anti-smites, who are hostile, jihadist enemies to America in Congress. As if treasonous, bed wetting, fascist freaks of nature in all their incredible stupidity weren't enough. You'd think the Democratic Party would want to protect us from these the deviant perverts better then they are doing.

Dave Dubya said...

Proud member,

It’s good to see you’ve done some homework on the history of Israel.

Your brief discussion of is generally correct but misses a lot of information. It was under the DEMOCRAT Truman that the US was the first to recognize the new nation of Israel. A “leftist” in your world.

However, implicit in your limited assessment is the denial of Palestinians THEIR own country. MOST of the land divided by the UN for Palestinians has been OCCUPIED by Israel. Even now Palestinians are being brutalized and evicted from their homes under the authoritarian rule of Netanyahu. This hateful ignorance allows the radical Right to smear liberals just for opposing Netanyahu’s policies and accuse anyone who criticizes his regime as “antisemitic”.

And this only shows how truly ignorant they are of the fact MOST ISRAELIS want him GONE. Decent people can condemn both Hamas and Netanyahu, but for some reason you can’t comprehend that.

You really abandon reality in favor of far-Right propaganda to regurgitate this lie: “The Left has shown to be anti-Israel and sympathizes with Palestine.” What this deception allows you to falsely believe is opposition to Netanyahu is the same as being pro-Hamas.

Instead, you want to go all Hitler and declare the left “hates America”. Why? Because we see Trump as a clear and present danger to our rule of law, democracy, Constitution, and republic. Try reading the facts, evidence in the indictments against him. Try to understand his co-defendants have SWORN UNDER OATH they KNEW TRUMP LOST TO BIDEN.

To his cult, Trump IS America and to oppose HIM means we “hate America”. This is exactly how German Nazis saw Hitler. I wish you had more interest in history to see the terrible similarities between the two. I’ve shown numerous examples, and nobody can show facts that would disprove my statements.

I even offer a simple format for this:

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


"Dave, I'm afraid what you said here, "_________" is really stupid. Here are the facts, information and reasoning you missed. "___________".

Feel free to show facts and evidence that would enlighten me.

Dave Dubya said...

Proud Member, You posted this troubling remark at a blog that is full of rage and hate towards all liberals, where racists express their bigotry openly, and where the “N” word has always been welcomed.. “As for the "Queen of Progressivism", she actually “HATES” everyone who has a “R” in front of their name especially anyone that doe's t HATE Donald Trump! . In fact she hate’s anyone who isn't a Liberal. As a rule, Liberals are not very nice, or friendly, or respectful to religion, family life, in fact any with American values, & Patriotism.”

Somehow you need to ignore the FACT that neo-Nazis like the tiki torch Nazis in Charlottesville are ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS.

As a rule, your own bias generalizes the worst in people you refuse to understand. YOU think we’re not patriots for condemning Trump’s election lies and assault on our Capitol.

Well, then. From our viewpoint that only suggests YOU HAVE NO AMERICAN VALUES, you hate democracy, and you take your mendacious malevolent messiah’s word as gospel. Why can’t you just admit that?

Which takes us to you wondering, “why the Left, which does comprise of many Jewish people who lean Left politically, identifies more with a country that hates Jews and would love to see them eliminated!”

If you actually tried to understand what we really say, you’d learn your false claim is a grossly inaccurate demonization.

Yes, too many extremists on both the left and right do side against Israel’s right to self-defense. This includes a few INDEPENDENT BLM branches, and EVERY racist NEO-NAZI Trump supporter.

This ignores the fact the great majority on the left DOES condemn Hamas, while being horrified at the deaths and dismemberment of BOTH Israeli and Palestinian children. It’s being PRO-LIFE.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment, and I hope you try to understand what I have written.

Les Carpenter said...

Hey proud dude, your problem is that EVERYONE and ANYONE not supporting your westernized colonialist views are automatically enemies. Isn't it time you grow up?