Thursday, February 29, 2024

Supreme Obstruction And Interference


So, my prediction on February 6 didn’t come true. I admit it was unrealistically optimistic, which is why I called it a bold prediction.

I wrote:

A federal appeals court decided Trump’s immunity claims would reject "the most fundamental check on executive power."

The rationality, wisdom and common sense of this decision are as valid and sound as any judgement could be.

Therefore, I'm going to make a bold prediction that reflects this temporary surge of optimism.

The Supreme Court will NOT take up this inane case. It has been decided rationally, thoroughly, and UNANIMOUSLY by the Appeals Court

Even Chief Justice Roberts should have the sense that taking up this nonsense would be tantamount to open defiance of our rule of law and interference on behalf of Trump in the upcoming election.

The Court is already trying to shake off the stain of corruption and bribery. If he wants the Court to regain any semblance of integrity, Roberts will deny Trump's absurd assertion any further dignity in front of the Supreme Court. I think he would make this clear to Trump's appointed justices and the corrupt Clarence Thomas, whose wife may yet see criminal charges for HER ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

There may be a good chance even these partisan cronies would think twice about saying, "Wait a minute. I think Trump SHOULD be above the law for the rest of his life".

After all, if that deranged notion is sound, then President Biden is free to legally order Seal Team 6 to just take Trump out. And maybe a Justice or two as well.


And so, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court of the United States wasted valuable time to finally take up the absurd question of “presidential immunity”.

As if it had planned it all along, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court conveniently timed and scheduled this case for the benefit of the criminal defendant Donald Trump.

As if it had planned it all along, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court imposed a delay on Trump’s criminal trials that would also delay any verdict until after the election.

As if it had planned it all along, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court decided to delay, hold up, hold back, make late, slow down, set back, bog down, hinder, hamper, impede, and OBSTRUCT JUSTICE!

If the Roberts court had planned all along to aid and abet Trump’s election interference crimes and attempted coup it would do EXACTLY what it is doing now.

The Roberts court essentially gave Trump a “stay out of jail free” card until after the election, or if he wins, a “stay out of jail free” card for eternity. The latter scenario would be a virtual coronation of Trump as king, or proclamation of dictator for life, free to do whatever he wants to stay in power.

The stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court could have decided the issue BEFORE they bumped the inane question of Trump’s immunity from criminal prosecution back to the Court of Appeals. This alone indicated the Robert’s Court’s willingness to aid and abet Trump’s gaming of the justice system by forcing continuous delays.

They didn’t need to accept this tactic from Trump’s sleazy lawyers. There was no rational justification to re-open Trump's can of worms that was INTENDED to delay justice and allow him a chance to elevate himself ABOVE THE LAW. 

But they did. And it’s pretty damn hard to not suspect that this is partisan political OBSTRUCTION of justice by delay, and therefore INTERFERENCE in the upcoming election.

The court is effectively DENYING the public’s RIGHT to hear and see the evidence of Trump’s crimes BEFORE the election. The court is effectively DENYING the public’s RIGHT to hear the verdicts of the juries BEFORE the election.

Justice delayed for the American people is justice denied to the American people.


Les Carpenter said...

I have maintained it more likely than not that the scotus, the result of Trump's selections and ultimate confirmations, would take the case. And i now predict the scotus rules in favor of the demented orange hued human orangutan.

The cult of trumo scotus will give the great turd that which he wants.

Dave Dubya said...

The corruption of the Republican Party has been solidified by the crooked partisan judges in their pocket.

Even if Trump is defeated by an undeniable majority of voters, the radical and corrupt Republicans will still wage war on our democracy and commit more violence and terrorism.

The poison pills the founders allowed in the Constitution have finally taken effect. The anti-democratic minority power of the Senate and the anti-democratic minority rule of the electoral system have rotted the country's integrity as a republic. This made the glaring corruption of the Supreme Court possible.

I'm afraid the late great George Carlin was spot on when he declared, "This country is finished". I felt it was true when the Supreme Court SELECTED George Bush in 2000 and again when the voters reelected him after LYING us into war.

It took a severe Republican recession for Obama to win, and even then Republicans denied his appointment to the Supreme Court. And that's how a republic ends.

Les Carpenter said...

Indeed Dave. The country that was once a beacon for freedom and liberty loving people everywhere is now becoming the Third World Political Shithole that a must greater generation of True Liberty Lovig Americans defeated when they defeated Hitler and Nazi Germany. Now... the goddamn filthy republican party and the demented orange hued human orangutan corrupt judge appointments are working to welcome fascism and full blown authoritarianism with open arms.

Ignorant Assholes attempting to destroy all that is good with America. They can go FT's.

Les Carpenter said...

I note the republican con fascist assholes better be more aware of cause and effect. Because the majority of Americans despise their authoritarian fascist lust. At some point, if this goes the way it probably is, the true liberty loving Americans WILL take to the streets. It won't be a pretty sight.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to a corrupt deal between the labor bosses, the Democratic state legislature and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan will no longer be a right-to-work state.

If the union label is so beneficial to workers, how come you need to force them to join?

Les Carpenter said...

Well, back in the day when good ole Ronnie Raygun was president he was as anti union as president as anybody. Remember the air traffic controllers? And, the greed that asshole corporations exude and the slumbering folks acting against their own intetests is the reason.

But of course we don't expect a fully conditioned sheeple such as yourself to understand much about the truth. It requires more than your favorite right wing sound bites. And we KNOW that's ALL you ever read or listen to.

So, have a good day. You need it.

Dave Dubya said...

People have always had the right to work and the right to refuse work. Republicans waged war on unions because they only care for protecting the wealth and power of the rich.

Union membership would be conditional only in union jobs. Why should they receive union negotiated benefits without membership while members pay?

Why do you oppose workers' rights to negotiate fair pay, health care, working conditions, safety issues, and job security? Why do you hate American workers, labor rights, and democracy?

Oh, that's right. You authoritarians believe in child labor, unequal pay for the same work, unsafe conditions, no family or sick leave, no medical benefits, arbitrary firing, and racial/sex discrimination.

Les Carpenter said...

In a word... GREED.

Or, i got mine, screw you.

The con republican/corporate moto.

Dave Dubya said...

If Anonymous wants a response to his comment on a "historic immunity case" that has already been settled by a reasonable, thorough, and unanimous Appeals Court decision, he'll have to identify himself.

Then I'll discuss how absurd it is. Oh, wait. I ALREADY DID.

Anonymous said...

Hey dave, my name is Willis, now what are you going to do?

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your civil response, but not for your uncivil one.

You wrote:

Democrats Are Furious That Due Process Is Ruining Their Lawfare Schedule...

Consider that liberals demands SCOTUS render a judgment on a historic immunity case on a schedule that comports with the partisan objectives of Democrats – namely, putting Trump in front of a judge at the height of a 2024 presidential campaign. Or, in other words, liberals want the court to do the very thing librals contends is corrupt for the court to do.

Trump has been getting more "due process" than any criminal in history, but go ahead and bitch about it not being enough. It's a free country...until Trump gets his dictatorship he wants.

I avoid the propagandist "Federalist" that regurgitates Trump's Big Lie as fact.

(Look at the Pillow Guy eating his words after offering money to anyone who debunked his lies. Guess what? He tried to dodge paying, but was court-ordered to put his money where his mouth is.)

So we can dismiss that radical Right claptrap as being as dishonest as it is sycophantic to Trump and his lies.

The facts: Trump lost. Trump lied. Trump committed crimes to interfere with and overturn the election.

Democrats are absolutely correct in condemning the Roberts court for delaying the trials for Trump. NO other criminal has been coddled so much. There was NO need for them to take on the absurd contention that Trump is above the law. The appeals court made a unanimous and correct decision.

A blind man can see the conflict of interest in his appointed justices and the corrupt Alito and Uncle Thomas with his insurrectionist wife.

The basic reality is this. Any country with a leader who is unaccountable to the rule of law and refuses the results of an election by attempting to stay in power by force and criminal acts is no longer a democratic republic. It would be the opposite, with a king or dictator being above the law.

The questions that remain are, why do you want to destroy our democratic republic? Why do you worship a con man and liar? Why should ANY American be above the law?

I'll wait. And I promise to publish any good faith answers you offer.

Les Carpenter said...

Ah, Willis Hart, as in
Take No Prisoners?

Anonymous said...

Poor dave, courts aren't seeing things his way. will he support an insurrection? he would call it a "mostly peaceful protest"... does dave and his cult of supporters favor sanctuary cities, no bail release?

want to make everything electric? start with the border wall.


Dave Dubya said...

Well, well. Looks like Vern is back on his multiple personality schtick.

"Cleo" doesn't seem any brighter. Full of deflections and devoid of any facts or rational argument against my words.

I'll accept this as his concession to all my points in the post. :-)

"Border wall?" I thought Trump built that and had Mexico pay for it. Seems he wants NOTHING done about the border even though Democrats and most Republicans supported the border security bill that provided for 1,300 new border patrol officers.

It's always been about HIM, and NOT the country. Putin is the only person Trump wants to please.

And that's fine with Vern. Trump is his new savior who can do no wrong and speak no falsehood. It must FEEL better to join in Trump's hate and lies than bother with the love and truth from his former alleged Savior.

What will he tell Jesus when he's reminded of which master he really served?

"But, but, my Lord, Trump gave the rich huge tax cuts and told us who to hate! You're no Donald Trump, Lord".

Les Carpenter said...

Yup, the Lord of Ignorance, Hate,

Les Carpenter said...

and Greed... Donald J. Trump..

Dave Dubya said...


Just so you know, ALL Anonymous comments are now deleted without being read.

No ID, no entry. Like no ID, no vote. Got it?

Same applies to any other Anonymous. This is a test to see if they even READ anything here.

They usually don't anyway, so to hell with them.

Dave Dubya said...

We left Anonymous/Willis/Vern with these questions:

"Why do you want to destroy our democratic republic? Why do you worship a con man and liar? Why should ANY American be above the law? I'll wait. And I promise to publish any good faith answers you offer."

So, did he offer ANY good faith answers? No, of course not. He is what he is.

He spewed disrespect, deflections, accusations, and more classic cry baby Fascist false victimhood:

Can't function in the arena of free speech, can't compete in the open market place of ideas where someone is allowed to disagree with them and prove them wrong. Can't answer questions to support their liberalism. They are filled with hate towards conservatives, call them fascists and racist. It's like a Star Court. You are not "an old fashion American".

Prove me wrong.

The load of crap above is the opposite of good faith. It's whiny, rude, and dishonest.

My offer still stands, and I'll just ask one question. Why should ANY American be above the law?

And I hold to my promise to publish any good faith answers.

Come on, Vern. Defend your malevolent mendacious messiah. Why should he be above the law? It sure looks like you lack the courage and intelligence to DEFEND, let alone criticize, your aspiring dictator hero.

No response will be taken as a concession that no man is above the law in a constitutional democratic republic.

So, your silence would be most welcome.

And any more deflections and accusations will be disposed of as the garbage it is.

Or do you FEEL too "persecuted" over being expected to answer a simple polite question?

Suffering such tribulation and oppression under a cruel "socialist dictator" must be hell, amirite? My goodness, how soon the real snowflakes melt under the light of civil rational discourse.

Why should ANY American be above the law? It's such and EASY question, too. How pitiful one must be to FEAR addressing the basic tenet of a free country.

I'll even give you a tip. Now pay attention.

An old-fashioned American resents, despises, and condemns enemies of democracy who interfere with, and try to steal, our election.

An old-fashioned American resents, despises, and condemns an aspiring dictator who tried to CANCEL and SILENCE over 81 MILLION American voters.

An old-fashioned American resents, despises, and condemns autocrats who hold themselves unaccountable and above the law.

Come on, Vern. Tell me why you disagree with me. Or don't ya have the guts to even try?

Maybe start with something like:
"Trump (and therefore ANY current or former president) has complete immunity from any prosecution for any crime for as long as he lives. Here's where the Constitution allows it:__________. Here's how it has been established by precedent:______.
Prove me wrong."

Maybe this will help, since you're obviously conditioned to not think for yourself and to regurgitate whatever Trump wants you to BELIEVE.

That must make it really tough to answer questions. Such an inability makes for a good reason for deflections and accusations, huh?

Dave Dubya said...

Vern/Willis/Just the Facts wants to dominate the discussion, like the AUTHORITARIAN personality he is.

As expected, he offered no answer, just more deflections and demands.

” only after YOU dave answer my questions...(Authoritarian demand #1) your failure to do so and your failure to publish my post even though I followed your instructions(Authoritarian LIES) only supports my belief that you are a coward. AFRAID. (Authoritarian LIE and PROJECTION) what is a Christian Nationalist?” (Authoritarian demand for an answer before answering mine.)Then he added a link to Federalist propaganda and DEMANDED I respond to it.

He doubled down with his projection: “Once again you show me that YOU are a coward, deflection is your game and liar is your name. Come on "brave socialist liberal" publish my post in it's entirety..Name a country that is 100% socialist that you want to live in. Can't can you. You are no longer worth my time.”

Yes, this is what authoritarians do. And they wonder why we call them racist Christian nationalists and neo-Nazis.

Trump’s Putinist traitor Mike Flynn said, “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.”

Article VI; Clause 3 US Constitution "...but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."


We remember his Putin-loving malevolent mendacious messiah praised Hiter. “Hitler did a lot of good things.”

Hitler’s “national socialism” wasn’t socialism. It was fascism wrapped in white (Aryan) Christian nationalism. Vern would have LOVED Hiter.

In 1941 Hitler said, “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

This is how Trumpism is neo-Nazism.

So now that I’ve answered two of his questions, will he show the basic common decency to reciprocate? Hell, no! Authoritarian Neo-Nazis and racist Christian Nationalists don’t answer questions. They just DEMAND answers.

Here is my question.

Why should Trump or ANY American be above the law?

No wonder he cowardly deflected and whined, “You are no longer worth my time”.

This isn’t the first time he told this lie.

ONLY his answer will be posted. Otherwise, he can go to hell. But I’ll gladly take the time to expose his lies, authoritarian white nationalist hate, and fascist neo-Nazi Trumpism.

And that’s a promise, just as I promised to publish his good faith answer to my question.

But we KNOW he can't, don't we? And we know WHY he can't. See the facts listed above.

Dave Dubya said...

Guys like Vern exemplify the answer to the question Americans need to answer: What would you do if you lived in 1930's Germany?

Guys like Vern: "Heil, Hitler!"

James Hansen said...

Hello Dave, I see you are still at it.

I have not been here in 4 years, politics has never been more interesting.

Am I invited to the party?
James Hansen

Dave Dubya said...

Greetings, James.
Yes, these are the cresting times of rampant madness, hate, and ignorance, AmeriKKKaner style.

Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederate white nationalists, and other dupes willfully deluded into a crazed cult of true believers in a narcissistic criminal sociopath.

What could go wrong?

Dave Dubya said...

"You are no longer worth my time.”

That didn't last long. Vern still won't answer "Why should ANY American be above the law?"

So he whines about Blaze News reporter Steve Baker getting arrested for actively urging on Trump's 1/6 insurrectionist thugs.

MAGAts HATE the rule of law when THEY break the law.

"Your affiant submits there is also probable cause to believe that BAKER violated 40 U.S.C. §5104(e)(2), which makes it a crime to willfully and knowingly utter loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress or either House of Congress, or the orderly conduct in that building of a hearing before, or any deliberations of, a committee of Congress or either House of Congress; and parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol Buildings," the affidavit explained.

And Vern STILL won't answer, "Why should ANY American be above the law?"

Dave Dubya said...

Vern (Just the Facts) LOL!

"What a stupid ass question. When will dave keep his word and publish posts if the writer gives their name?"

I promised to publish his good faith answer.

Now the real question is why CAN'T Vern defend his beloved Fuhrer and tell us why he is above the law?

He's really helpless, only able to deflect and whine about me.

What's the matter Vern? Cult got your tongue? Why do you hate our democratic republic that promises equal justice under law?

More hate, demands and deflections are NOT an answer.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern keeps avoiding the topic, so his deflections are deleted.

Come on, Vern. Tell us why you think Trump is above the law. We KNOW you are INCAPABLE of disagreeing with your malevolent mendacious messiah.

Here's why I think he's being such a coward on the issue.

If Trump is truly immune from prosecution for crimes committed during his presidency, THEN SO IS BIDEN!

That's right. By their own authoritarian argument, the man they hate would have immunity if he decides to imprison or assassinate Republicans.

Amirite, Vern?




Just the Facts! said...

Dear Dave

Show me were I said Trump was above the law..You can't But you can keep beating a dead horse if that turns you on..


Dave Dubya said...

The point I made is you are afraid to admit you agree or disagree with Trump's absurd claim of immunity.

"If Trump is truly immune from prosecution for crimes committed during his presidency, THEN SO IS BIDEN!

That's right. By their own authoritarian argument, the man they hate would have immunity if he decides to imprison or assassinate Republicans."

Your silence on the issue and deflections indicate you agree with Trump, but are unable to reasonably justify your agreement.

Do you have any thoughts at all, or are you just hoping Trump can be a dictator?

Les Carpenter said...

Bingo Dave!

Isn't it interesting that MAGA'ts are so stupid they fail to make that connection?

Just the Facts! said...

You can't support anything you claim about me...but that has never stopped you has it
When Witnesses Are Asked to Swear an Oath to Tell the Truth, Democrats Object and dave and Les are right there with them.

Right Les and dave?


Just the Facts! said...

Liberals are so stupid they think Biden is a functioning president....

Dave Dubya said...

Your deflections are just proving me correct. But you can't see that. You're still afraid to answer the question.

Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president, or even AFTER?

Yes or no.

Your silence on the issue and deflections indicate you agree with Trump, but are unable to reasonably justify your agreement.

Do you have any thoughts at all?

I can claim you can't put together any thoughts on the issue because you always deflect.

"If Trump is truly immune from prosecution for crimes committed during his presidency, THEN SO IS BIDEN!

That's right. By their own authoritarian argument, the man they hate would have immunity if he decides to imprison or assassinate Republicans."

You're trapped by this, aren't you?

Prove me wrong, if you can. So far you've been AFRAID to discuss it.

Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?

Yes or no. What's so hard about that, Vern? This question has NOTHING to do me, or Les, or Democrats.

It's about YOU and the man whose every word is infallibly honest and sacred to you, never to be disputed.

No wonder you're stuck in the mud. We get it. We happen to know more about you than you think.

Dave Dubya said...

And liberals are smart enough to answer yes or no to my question, along with a rational explanation.

That would make you MORE stupid, in case this is too complicated for you to figure out.

Let's try again.

Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?

If "yes", you want a dictator, and must logically accept Biden has the immunity to kill Trump now.

If "no" you will find the freedom of conscience to disagree with an aspiring dictator.

Your choice. Or you can't think for yourself and feel compelled to never disagree with Trump? This is the logical conclusion. Change my mind.

Just the Facts! said...

when are you going to disagree with Biden?

Dave Dubya said...

Vern never runs out of deflections!

But he can sure run away from a simple question.

I started to disagree with Joe since he supported Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court.

See how courteous and simple it is to answer a question?

Vern seems to have a real problem with that, as well as expressing any thoughts here.

Except, "Duh, Liberals are stupid cuz Biden isn't a functioning president and they don't make sense to me. Cuz Trump say Obama still in charge and Nikki Haley caused January 6 storming of Capitol".

We can read their thoughts, and essentially they amount to, "Duh, Trump SMART and GOOD. He make me FEEL good cuz He hate who I hate. He so HONEST everything He say is gospel!"

That about covers it. They let Trump do their "thinking" and define reality for them.


I'd be happy if you'd prove me wrong, Vern.

Let me help:

Here are some handy and simple forms to make it easier for Trump’s true believers and supporters:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.

Also, this:

Trump really won the 2020 election and here is the proof of massive voter fraud that "senile" Joe Biden brilliantly orchestrated to steal it: ___________.

And this:

Trump WILL make America great again, like it used to be before 2016, from the years_____ to ____.

And this:

Trump is being persecuted by the "deep state', "racist" Black judges and prosecutors, and "communist" democrats by indicting him on "phony" charges.

Here are the verifiable facts and evidence that exonerate him. 1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ___.

And finally:

Trump has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president because__________.

If they can't fill in these simple templates, it only proves they can't think for themselves, and are too arrogant, contemptuous and self-righteous in their bigotry, hate and delusions to respond.

The deflections and sound of crickets is only making my case stronger...

Dave Dubya said...

Whining about "Joe Biden's America..." is yet another deflection from the simple yes or no question.

Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?

We know you're incapable of completing this sentence: Trump has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president because__________.

So here, let's go for the easiest version.

Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?

Your answer will be published if it stays on subject. Thank you for the deflections that prove my point, but we've had enough of them.

Just to let you know, we are truly enjoying all your squirming and evasion. It's an object lesson on moral cowardice that we expect from people who revere their malevolent mendacious messiah.

MAGA = moral cowardice, fear of facts and good faith discussion, loyalty to a liar and criminal, willful ignorance, hate and bigotry. This is our logical conclusion that YOU have been allowing us to draw.

Prove men wrong. Go ahead. I encourage you to try.

Back to the question that directly relates to the topic. Yes or no.

Les Carpenter said...

Just the Facts marinates its tiny cultist mind in conspiracy, outright lies, straight up BS, and runs with it. No actual credible evidence. Not even a credible likelihood or possibility. Just whatever his Orange Turd sh*ts out is his gospel.

Just the Facts has either been locked up in its mommy's cellar too long and the mind went to mush, or it's simply willfull ignorance.

Just the Facts! said...

are you happy with the Biden immigration policy?
Give the date of the quote you attribute to Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president? Then list these "crimes".

yes or no

Dave Dubya said...

THREE Deflections from Vern!

He's terrified of the truth. He's frozen into silence and unable to answer a simple question.

Poor Vern! He's stuck in a mindless state of an inability to agree or disagree with Trump's claim of immunity.

His brain is shut down. Yes or no is too COMPLICATED for him.

He's desperate to avoid answering yes or no to, "Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?"

The choice has locked him into a corner of a mental meltdown. He has to agree Biden has immunity for any crime he wants to commit if he agrees with Trump's claim of immunity. And like a cultist, he cannot disagree with his master.

His brain is stuck in a pile of Trump's bullshit. Nowhere to go, just deflect.

BTW Biden's immigration policy was in the bill that Trump ordered to be KILLED!

Trump would prefer a so-called "open border", or the way it is now, to a bi-partisan law that would:

...Provide $20 billion in emergency funding for federal authorities — including the Homeland Security, Justice and State departments, as well as other agencies — to hire 1,300 of new Border Patrol agents and 1,600 asylum officers, increase detention capacity, and invest in technology to combat the smuggling of fentanyl and other narcotics.

The bill includes a mechanism that would give the Department of Homeland Security the authority to quickly expel migrants caught crossing the border illegally if crossings have been particularly high for several days in a row.

The proposal would make it harder for migrants to apply for asylum if they crowd the border. Migrants also would face a higher standard of evidence at an initial screening to apply for asylum.

So the next question Vern is terrified to answer is:

"Are you happy with Trump's immigration policy of DOING NOTHING?"

And to direct him to the reality that his malevolent mendacious messiah denies:

Trump's crimes are listed in his INDICTMENTS!

Funny how the white nationalist, neo-Nazi fascists on the radical Right pretend to have all the answers, but can't answer a couple simple questions.

And there you have their "marketplace of ideas". Whatever Trump tells them.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern's mental lockdown continues.

We are still awaiting his answers on two questions. Note that I have responded to HIS questions, and that he lacks the common decency to answer ONE of mine. This moral cowardice indicates exactly how an authoritarian would behave.

Vern is desperate to avoid answering yes or no to, "Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?"

So the next question Vern is too terrified to answer is:

"Are you happy with Trump's immigration policy of DOING NOTHING?" Funny how simply turning HIS question back on him leaves him mute. Authoritarians don't answer questions from people they hate or if asked to actually give a thoughtful reply.

Vern is a typical parroting authoritarian follower, as are most of the sheeple in the Trump cult.

What will be his next deflection?

Dave Dubya said...

This time our resident authoritarian deflected with FIVE questions!

And a LIE. "Funny how THE dave can't answer anything."

Who could nazi that lame projection coming? It's like he's BEGGING me to answer FOR him.

So I will accommodate.

Q: "Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president?"

Vern: "YES! ONLY Trump should be above the law and be dictator to punish people he and I HATE! The Biden crime family will be first on the list.(No presidential immunity for Biden because neo-Nazis have always had double standards.)

So the next question Vern is too terrified to answer is:

Q: "Are you happy with Trump's immigration policy of DOING NOTHING?"

Vern: "YES! I'm happy with Trump ordering the killing of the immigration reform and border protection bill! It's NOT a crisis and NOTHING should be done for another YEAR if TRUMP says he needs to campaign on the border issue."

If Vern thinks I'm off the mark, he can correct this answer. But he's TOO CHICKEN!!

Vern's response: "BWAAAAACK! Buck, buck, buckaaaww! Answer MORE of MY list of questions, so I can IGNORE yours!"

Vern's moral cowardice is matched by his beloved Fuhrer's cowardice in dodging the draft while the real patriots served. "Crap Pants" Ted Nugent is another of Vern's heroes.

What was Vern's excuse to avoid the draft? Bone spurs? Soiled underwear? OR just plain CHICKEN?

Vern's excuse: "BWAAAAACK! Buck, buck, buckaaaww!"

Cowards are NOT patriots. Serial liars, bigots, racists, white nationalists and other hate-filled MAGAts are not patriots or even decent human beings. But they are ALL Vern's allies in fascism.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern was rude about it of course, but I checked the link he said I wouldn't. He babbled something about it being for "brave Americans". Mostly more MAGA bullshit, of course.

So here's what I found at the link. The transcript of Biden's State of the Union Address.

"It wasn’t that long ago when a Republican President, Ronald Reagan, thundered, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

Now, my predecessor, a former Republican President, tells Putin, “Do whatever the hell you want.”

A former American President actually said that, bowing down to a Russian leader.

It’s outrageous. It’s dangerous. It’s unacceptable."

Notice the "gibberish" dig the MAGAts take at content that puts them to shame...IF they had any sense of shame.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, you're fighting a losing battle.

Vern, JTF or any other MAGA partisan will never answer a question straight up. Because they have no principles, ideas or philosophy other than "support Trump" no matter what.

Deflection and whataboutism is their stock in trade.

All over the net, they are out calling Biden a liar, or even in some cases, a lair, for his speech last night. But do they offer specific examples? Of course not.

Face it, it's who they are, not really interested in honest dialogue.

Les Carpenter said...

When ya ain't got nothing, well, ya resort to gibberish, more gibberish, and outright delusional gibberish.

Anything to divert attention from the very real fact that everything (alright, nearly everything) they hold as truth is one big lie.

But, last night our outstanding leader and accomplished president, Joe Biden, took off the kid glove and gave republicans a solid right cross and a wicked uppercut. Now he moves on to throw the eventual knockout punch to the jaw of the orange hued demented human orangutan.

And in November 2024 America can celebrate the demise of one very out if shape blubbering idiot, Donald J. the rapist and insurrectionist Trump.

Dave Dubya said...

I understand the futility in any attempt at good faith discussion with fascists. Vern has been trolling me for at least a decade.

I use him for an object lesson that proves your statement is correct. "Because they have no principles, ideas or philosophy other than "support Trump" no matter what".

He's obsessed with me. No matter how many lies, accusations, and other pieces of MAGAt bullshit I refuse to post, he keeps pouring it on. I enjoy living rent-free in his head. Lots of empty space in there. There's room for a basketball court.


Every orangutan is a far more decent and loving creature than MAGAts. They are evolved past the mindless rage, hate, and evil of MAGAts. And I feel bad enough insulting maggots. They did nothing to deserve comparison to MAGAts. But that's what Trumpists have embraced and embodied.

MarathonMike said...

Biden is insane. Every thing he says is designed to increase illegals and make it easier for them.
Biden is running scared shitless of facing off with Trump. It's okay everyone know your man Biden is a coward.
.The blob was surrounded by a shit load of yes men; he’s his own campaign manager. So when you set the bar so low for your opponent and he clears it by a few sort of sound like a lunatic when you run that offense again

Les Carpenter said...

Good point Dave. Of course a real orangutan is far superior to the orange hued human orangutan trump, and they certainly display a more loving compassionate demeanor that trump. I mean no disrespect to orangutan's.

And yes, i enjoyed watching President Biden call out the republican maggots last night. It was a very good evening in America yesterday.

Dave Dubya said...

Marathon Mike,

Thank you for outrageously and demonstrably false and uniformed opinions.

No wonder you can't cite any facts, quotes, or evidence to support them.

When standing near each other, one guy certainly stands out as a blob. We have eyes, ears and common sense. You only have Trump and HIS sycophantic yes men.

If you'd be interested in impressing me, you could answer one or both of my simple questions.

Q: Do you agree with Trump that he has complete immunity for any crimes he committed as president? (Meaning Biden would also have such immunity.)

Q: Are you happy with Trump's immigration policy of killing the border funding bill and DOING NOTHING?

Les Carpenter said...

Marathon Mike has marinated in the trump and gop bullshit lies so long his reasoning ability has flew the coop. IOW's he is a dyed in the red cultist and wallows in abject ignorance 24/7.

Dave Miller said...

The marathon man posted the following...

".The blob was surrounded by a shit load of yes men; he’s his own campaign manager. So when you set the bar so low for your opponent and he clears it by a few sort of sound like a lunatic when you run that offense again"

Marathon... are you speaking of former President Trump? The man who fired multiple campaign managers, who said he can do it better himself? Remember Lewandowski? Parscale? Manafort? Bannon?

Yep, all those guys, former campaign managers were fired by Trump.

Shall we add all the Chiefs of Staff he fired?

Ask yourself this... if Trump only hires the best people, as he claims, why is constantly firing people?

We don't see that in the Biden Admin. I wonder why?

Dave Dubya said...

My response to your reasonable remarks grew into what will be my next post.