Friday, December 22, 2023

Democratic Socialism


We hear it all the time from Trump and his fanatical cult followers.

Democrats and any others who oppose him or seek to hold him accountable to the rule of law are smeared as “Communist/socialist/fascist/racists”. The racist accusation is for any Black prosecutor or Attorney General who would apply just punishment for his crimes.

Clearly, all these derogatory terms are cast without regard to their actual definitions.  They are simply words meant to convey their rabid indoctrinated hate for anyone who dares oppose their cult leader.

One phrase we NEVER hear from them is Democratic Socialism.

This is the term Bernie Sanders uses to identify his political positions.

Democratic Socialism is the idea of a government of, by and for the people in service to the public interests and general welfare of its population. It is defined by the ideal and application of a democratic republic based on fair elections and fair representation for its citizens.

It is NOT “Marxism, communism or fascism”.

We hear the radical Right howl, “Hitler was a socialist! The Nazi party has socialist in it name!”

That is how they will dismiss any further discussion of the matter.

Hitler joined a small party that used "socialism" in its name. Hitler was a fascist, and nothing like a democratic socialist. Nazis didn't gain power by promoting ideals of representative democracy, and public services like healthcare and education. They HATED labor unions. It was about power, retribution, antisemitism, racism, militarism and a police state.

They outlawed reproductive freedom for women and homosexuality. Then their Holocaust proved to be the OPPOSITE of socialism. It's called GENOCIDE.

Communists call themselves socialists because it sounds less dictatorial. Dictatorship is not social democracy. Is dictatorial communist North Korea a Democratic Republic because they say it is? No.

And that is key.

Dictators run dictatorships, NOT democratic socialistic societies.

Democracy is what defines democratic socialism. Public healthcare and public education and public utilities along with other public services that support what we believe should be RIGHTS of the people to fair elections and representation, to the public good, to the general welfare.

In fact, the US Constitution is democratic socialist in nature. It calls for democratic elections of leaders and peaceful transfer of power, with limits placed on govt. power in our Bill of Rights.

The US Constitution calls for taxes, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare. ALL of this is called socialism or even communism by the American radical Right. They don't want to admit what is in our foundation of law.

Sweden, Denmark, Finland and other western European countries have such elements of democratic socialism. The right will try to deny this or say they are “failing” despite the level of happiness in those countries are far above what is in the US. They are healthier and better educated. Having the RIGHT to healthcare and education helps assure this.

When Americans speak of democratic socialism, we mean the ideals in our Declaration of Independence and foundation of law in the Constitution. The right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", (including healthcare and education), equality under law, and a "more perfect union" were, and are, the goals.  A path toward those ideals was made by allowing a process to amend the Constitution.

So the Right will evade any discussion of the actual meaning of democratic socialism. They need to redefine or completely fabricate the meanings of words.

A refusal to agree on definitions of words is a large part of the problem. 

Communication and compromise break down when one side demonizes and defines the other to its propaganda message. It is always the authoritarian side that benefits from the twisting of terms.

Orwell covered this in "1984" with "newspeak" and the destruction of language. It was a warning, not a guidebook.

But the American radical Right seems to regard the book more as an operating manual for their political agenda.

And Orwell was a socialist. 

If you want to annoy a pontificating white Trumpist who tries to show he's "not racist" by quoting Martin Luther King's words, tell him what he doesn't want to know.

He was a democratic socialist.

“Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”

– Speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961

“Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis.”

–Speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967


It would seem "democratic socialism" is too complex and scary as a concept for Americans.

Maybe it should be called "Liberalism", or "progressivism". Oh, but those terms have been demonized out of political discourse by the radical Right too.

I got it! "Universal Socially Applied Capitalism" or "USA Capitalism". How does that sound?


Foreigner said...

\\Democratic Socialism is the idea of a government of, by and for the people in service to the public interests and general welfare of its population.

As in that 25-point programme?

\\It is defined by the ideal and application of a democratic republic based on fair elections and fair representation for its citizens.

Even if people will vote AGAINSt socialism?

\\Hitler joined a small party that used "socialism" in its name. Hitler was a fascist, and nothing like a democratic socialist.

While historical fact is that it was Hitler who devised to call it that way? And have written clearly socialistic programme for it?

\\Then their Holocaust proved to be the OPPOSITE of socialism.

And HOW it is opposite... while there was no, and still there is NO... country which would call itself socialistic... and not be absolutely horrible despoty...

\\Communists call themselves socialists because it sounds less dictatorial.

Like there was some GOOD socialism that they spoiled???

\\Dictators run dictatorships, NOT democratic socialistic societies.

Dictatorship becomes one because some people nicknamed "dictators" rule over?

Or because of heinous practices?

\\Democracy is what defines democratic socialism. Public healthcare and public education and public utilities along with other public services that support what we believe should be RIGHTS of the people to fair elections and representation, to the public good, to the general welfare.

And what if people will vote against wasting money on poor???

Re-declared it non-democratic?

\\So the Right will evade any discussion of the actual meaning of democratic socialism. They need to redefine or completely fabricate the meanings of words.

Well... point to any point in time or place... where you DO SEE that "democratic socialism" working -- would ya?

Or it is always in some imaginary la-la-land only?

\\A refusal to agree on definitions of words is a large part of the problem.

While that definition must be only yours?

And not some based on historical facts???

Les Carpenter said...

Historical fact? Whose historical "fact"? Yours?

Methinks not. Thank you very much foreigner. Or is it FJ?

Foreigner said...

Europeans. Who felt it on there backs... all kinds, all flavors of socialisms.

And nationalistic, and communistic, and... whatever else.

But for USAians... that all is not historical fact?

Well, I can understand that.

I only will admit here that readiness to squint... just to not answer to legitimate questions.

Distinctly socialistic. Or commie-like, if you wish.

Les Carpenter said...

I wish for nothing. For the genocide the Zionist state is practicing in Gaza, supported by the MIC of the complicit USA, and the illegal putin invasion of sovereign Ukraine is all one needs to see the depravity of the human race. Oh, did i mention Trump and MAGA?



Dave Dubya said...

Your opinion is worth shit. You're not bright enough to offer any evidence that contradicts what I say, so you just resort to typical neo-Nazi insults.

Come back when you have the receipts on Joe Biden.

And tell us how the Trump kids raked it in the past five years thanks to Big Daddy. It made Hunter's take look like spare change.

Just the Facts! said...

Ah yes, the rules have changed on this blog,used to be only Anonymous postings had to be approved by Dave..

Dave Dubya said...

Well, well. JTF CAN be more civil than his fellow Trumpist thug.

Just the Facts! said...

So where are my posts Dave? It would seem they are censored. Care to explain?

Dave Dubya said...

You'll understand off-topic remarks are for another thread.

We're not celebrating Festivus with airing of grievances here.

Anonymous said...

Still... you not disclosed that comment.

With Jewish fact.

Means... it was wise to double-post it...

Les Carpenter said...

You mean Jewish propaganda i'm sure.

Dave Dubya said...

Foreigner: "Well... point to any point in time or place... where you DO SEE that "democratic socialism" working -- would ya? Or it is always in some imaginary la-la-land only?"

It works in constitutional constitutional social democracies, NOT in ONE-PARTY COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIPS.

You can't seem to see the difference between Scandinavia and North Korea.

The US Constitution has democratic socialism built into our law. Capitalists and corrupt politicians try to overturn those constitutional elements of democracy, regulation of commerce, and taxes for the general welfare.

As long as democratic socialism and communism are the same thing to you, there's nowhere for this discussion to go.

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Les Carpenter said...

\\ You mean Jewish propaganda i'm sure.

Yes, yes, all is as you say... Mr. Shiklgruber

\\It works in constitutional constitutional social democracies, NOT in ONE-PARTY COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIPS.

Because they do not have free healthcare and education?

Welfare and payment for elder?

Guaranteed workplace?

\\You can't seem to see the difference between Scandinavia and North Korea.

And you?

\\The US Constitution has democratic socialism built into our law. Capitalists and corrupt politicians try to overturn those constitutional elements of democracy, regulation of commerce, and taxes for the general welfare.

And in communist countries that nasty-nasty-bad "Capitalists and corrupt politicians" just eradicated... once and for all time. ;-)

\\As long as democratic socialism and communism are the same thing to you, there's nowhere for this discussion to go.

This your comment have timestamp -- December 24, 2023 at 10:55 AM

And your comment in other thread is -- December 24, 2023 at 10:44 AM

Means... I forced to admit that you continue playing dirty tricks -- pretending that you did not know my answer... before re-asking it here.

What for???

Les Carpenter said...

@Foreigner... Row row row your boat merrily down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

For some Dave there is nothing but misunderstanding, confusion, willful ignorance, or stupidity. Perhaps for some all of them are at play at times.

I've finally realized it simpy is what it is. Perhaps it best to just accept that and move on.

Anyway, Peace on earth and goodwill for all from a non Christian practicing Buddhist.

Dave Dubya said...

The warning flag was up when he showed us he took Hitler's words wrapped as socialism as honest expressions of his politics.

Maybe he thinks Hitler was a communist. Or there is no such thing as a communist. Or whatever such nonsense when words have no meanings.

Les Carpenter said...

Perhaps Dave his reason for supporting Trump and innsurrection is because of Foreigner's love of Hitler.

Afterall, his American Furher loves Hitler too.

Dave Dubya said...

Imagine believing countries with one-party rule of Communist Party leaders are not "communist", but "socialist" countries.

There's nothing to work with there. He has shut down all reason.

Dave Dubya said...

Added to OP.

It would seem "democratic socialism" is too complex and scary as a concept for Americans.

Maybe it should be called "Liberalism", or "progressivism". Oh, but those terms have been demonized out of political discourse by the radical Right too.

I got it! "Universal Socially Applied Capitalism" or "USA Capitalism". How does that sound?

Les Carpenter said...

Or maybe...

Corporate Supported American Capitalist Greed for the One Percent.

Facism is an economic system in which business and indusry (means of production) are privately held but highly regulated by, wait for it, the state.

Foreigner is advocating for exactly that. So is Trump.

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...

\\ Les,
The warning flag was up when he showed us he took Hitler's words wrapped as socialism as honest expressions of his politics.

But that. That's Historical Fact.

Not only that he have written that 25-points programme -- which scream about Socialism.

But. His practices was distinctly socialistic... providing jobs and health protection and etc...

Well, under brand "for genuine Germans ONLY"... but, any and ALL socialisms... I mean, again, real historical ones... was about segregation.

On the base of ethnicity, as Hitler. Or on class base, as Stalin. Or intermixed, as Mao...

THAT IS... how you treating Historical Facts? YES, Davy?

DISTINCTLY COMMIE way -- bend it all in pretzel, for the politic sake.

PS And you will not disclose THIS comment too? Am I right?

But with that -- you'd only prove my point.


Les Carpenter said...

You're the pretzel guy Foreigner. And goddamn do you twist em!

Feed yourself all the BS you wish, willful ignorance seems to be your thing.

Dave Dubya said...

Essentially Foreigner has the identical mindset as the American radical Right. It wouldn't surprise me if he's a Trump and Putin fan.

According him, any and all socialized government program or public health is COMMUNISM. He is rigid in his absolute conflation of all social programs as COMMUNISM. The words socialism and communism are IDENTICAL in meaning to him.

Note he failed to even refute or consider my primary points:

Dictators run dictatorships, NOT democratic socialistic societies.

Democracy is what defines democratic socialism. Public healthcare and public education and public utilities along with other public services that support what we believe should be RIGHTS of the people to fair elections and representation, to the public good, to the general welfare.

In fact, the US Constitution is democratic socialist in nature. It calls for democratic elections of leaders and peaceful transfer of power, with limits placed on govt. power in our Bill of Rights.

The US Constitution calls for taxes, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare. ALL of this is called socialism or even communism by the American radical Right. They don't want to admit what is in our foundation of law.

He takes that radial Right view all the way.

He even pretends public health was Hitler's "socialist" idea!

Germany is widely regarded as the first country to have introduced a national system of social and health insurance. A mandatory health insurance requirement was introduced at the national level in 1883 during the chancellorship of Otto von Bismarck and was expanded over the following century to the areas of occupational accidents and disease (1884), old age and disability (1889), unemployment (1927) and long-term care (1994). At the core of this so-called Bismarckian system lie the principles of mandatory membership and non-risk-related contributions kept separate from general tax revenue – principles that, in their essence, have remained largely unchanged to the present day." Busse R, Blümel M. Germany: health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 2014,

He also exemplifies the Orwellian destruction of language. I think he wants a dictatorship, because he rejects democracy as well. He's taken the roll of O'Brien of the Ministry of Love. 2+2=5.

I may come across as pedantic at times, but he really acts like he knows everything, with scorn for those who won't accept HIS PERSONAL DEFININTIONS of words.

Now he's just trolling. Like a fascist MAGAt would.

Foreigner said...

\\ Blogger Les Carpenter said...

\\ You're the pretzel guy Foreigner. And goddamn do you twist em!

Oh. You are so smart. And can give logically streamlined explanation.

That would show it explicitly -- that mine, was like a pretzel.

Naaah, don't think so. :-))))))))))))))))

All you can do -- spit with a feces. And that, only while in group and under protection of censure/pre-moderation by supporting force...

natural for leftists... and any zealots from all times.

Individually they are cowardly schmucks.

And only in groups feel themself empowered.

\\willful ignorance seems to be your thing.

Yeah. Nearly a century of living experience of my relatives and my own -- that is "willful ignorance".

And your, Know Nothing opinions about History of Europe you know zilch about -- is "wise and truthful thoughts".

Am I assessing your feverish delusions correctly?

Foreigner said...

\\It wouldn't surprise me if he's a Trump and Putin fan.

Yeah. Don't care about Trump. And would like to see Putin in a grave.

But... by very truthful opinion of leftist Davy... I am their fan.

Oh, yes, continue-continue.

Telling such "truth". :-)))))))))))))

\\According him, any and all socialized government program or public health is COMMUNISM.

You KEEP ignoring my openly stated and many time repeated claim -- that there is continuum of changes.

No Black and White. No Angels and Daemons.

But you, though opposing (*correct* it seems) assessment of your behavior as that of a zealot -- continueing confirming that that is the case -- you CANNOT discuss it rationally, you UNABLE to see it other then Black and White.

\\Dictators run dictatorships, NOT democratic socialistic societies.

Because some people called "dictators" rule over em?

Or because THE WAY they ruling over people, in defying human right and dignity ways, so then people start saying "yeah, that is dictatorship"?

\\Democracy is what defines democratic socialism.

And what if people, in absolutely democratic way would vote AGAINST Socialism? ;-P

\\Public healthcare and public education and public utilities along with other public services that support what we believe should be RIGHTS of the people to fair elections and representation, to the public good, to the general welfare.

Would... people need that all as publicly available commodity -- IF they would be rich enough to pay for all that on their own? ;-)

So... maybe, just maybe -- people need to be FREE enough to became rich...

Can you entertain such a thought? ;-P

I don't think so.

Because for leftists all people need to be a slaves of respective state. Eternally subservient and follow that state power... meakly.

\\He even pretends public health was Hitler's "socialist" idea!

Primitive manipulation.


Usual for leftist zealots.

Question at hand was -- was or was not Hitler proponent of socialistic ideas in Nazi Reich.

NOT history of Socialism and socialistic practices IN GENERAL.

It is purely IMPOSSIBLE to mention everything. In a form of short comment in blog.

\\He also exemplifies the Orwellian destruction of language. I think he wants a dictatorship, because he rejects democracy as well. He's taken the roll of O'Brien of the Ministry of Love. 2+2=5.

Just a pretentious lie.

Also usual among leftists dirty trick -- strawmaning of their opponents.

\\I may come across as pedantic at times, but he really acts like he knows everything, with scorn for those who won't accept HIS PERSONAL DEFININTIONS of words.

STILL... you NOT provided YOUR *correct* as you think definitions.

Only criticizing mine.

And not on the base of logic or facts, with showing which logical problems you see in them.

That is... definite confirmation, that you NOT only don't like, don't care about discussion being rational... you deliberately and wholeheartedly trying to DESTROY tiniest chance of it to happen.

Dave Dubya said...

"No Angels and Daemons" except for "Commie Dave", amirite? THAT'S what "black and white" looks like.

His hysteria continues:
"Because for leftists all people need to be a slaves of respective state. Eternally subservient and follow that state power... meakly."

Goddamn his arrogance!

"It is purely IMPOSSIBLE to mention everything. In a form of short comment in blog."

He lacks the respect and courtesy to QUOTE MY WORDS to dispute. Insults are the bastion of moral and intellectual weakness.

He arrogantly TELLS me what I think, ignoring what I SAY.

This is an authoritarian personality who shows he hates democracy, public healthcare and public education. In fact he AVOIDS those entirely, preferring to insult me personally.

He mentions a "spectrum", which is reasonable, but then contradicts himself by lumping all socialized govt as communism dressed as socialism. Is he afraid of the word "democratic"?

Seems so.

He thinks the USSR and China are NOT communist because they don't advertise it. Never mind they are RULED BY COMMUNIST PARTIES. He's fine with SOCIALIZED AMERICAN MILIARY AID TO UKRAINE though. What a hypocrite.

His NAME CALLING is what destroys communication.

Dave Dubya said...

Notice how Foreigner dropped "Hitler's socialized healthcare" after being shown the PREVIOUS history of early German public health insurance.

Notice how he IGNORES the elements of democratic socialism in the US Constitution. Just like a Trumpist American white supremacist. I have to wonder if Foreigner is also a racist. He's certainly showing all the symptoms of being a BIGOT.

I welcomed his comments and he chose to insult me. That tells us what we need to know about him.

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...

\\ "No Angels and Daemons" except for "Commie Dave", amirite? THAT'S what "black and white" looks like.

You cannot have it BOTH way.

Yourself demonstrate thinking in Black VS White showdown.

And then try to shame others for doing the same.

Well... except, one are lying hypocrite? Are you?

As for me... I just using your verbiage. As only possible way to make you understand at least something of what I said.

\\His hysteria continues:
"Because for leftists all people need to be a slaves of respective state. Eternally subservient and follow that state power... meakly."

And that is not truth?

While we know of all that examples of self-proclaimed SOCIALISTIC states: national-SOCIALISTIC Reich, United Soviet SOCIALIST(sic!) Republics, People's Republic of North Korea and China too...

and bunch of smaller ones but not less vicious.

So... self-proclaimed Socialistic countries DO NOT EXIST? And all because some leftist DO NOT LIKE it??? ;-)

So, it decided better to ignore Reality. And ban everyone who would point to it.

\\Goddamn his arrogance!

MY??? "arrogance"???

Not yours -- where you DARE TO IGNORE Reality itself???

Anonymous said...

\\He lacks the respect and courtesy to QUOTE MY WORDS to dispute. Insults are the bastion of moral and intellectual weakness.


HOW I should know WHAT your words I would need to quote here???


I know, I know.

Just the same yet one trick of leftists.

Very usual. Very stupid.

\\He arrogantly TELLS me what I think, ignoring what I SAY.


Is it YOUR words -- "\\He even pretends public health was Hitler's "socialist" idea!"

I quoted em.

And explained why it lame -- to claim that I stating Hitler as source of "socialistic ideas". IN GENERAL.

While that was in context of German internal politics ONLY. As it obvious from context -- reference to his biography.

That is... just as LOGIC works.

And correct thing to do in a *rational* discussion.

If you use/have ANOTHER definition of what "rational discussion" mean to you -- please state it.

For now, it looks like your WORKING definition "any discussion where I admitted being ALWAYS right", aren't it look that way? ;-)

\\This is an authoritarian personality who shows he hates democracy, public healthcare and public education. In fact he AVOIDS those entirely, preferring to insult me personally.

Said one who started screaching "You are Trump supporter" from get go...


\\He thinks the USSR and China are NOT communist because they don't advertise it.


Of course they was advertising it?

Practically, that was whole and sole point of their existence.

Same as Christian Church for example advertise that they are "path to Salvation and Eternal Life".

But, do you know, do you CARE to know and understand -- what's is the caveat of it???

Communism, same as Holy Life in Jesus... is always SOMEWHERE FAR-FAR-AWAY.

For christianity -- after Death.

For communism -- in far-far future.

\\His NAME CALLING is what destroys communication.

Don't want it? Don't do it yourself.

Or else... on what base you are protesting against it???

You allowing to yourself name-call people. But don't like if people respond in same way to you?

Isn't that is hypocritical?

Anonymous said...

\\Notice how he IGNORES the elements of democratic socialism in the US Constitution.

Was Fathers Founders meaning it that way? Used that words?

I have not enough knowledge of it here, so revealing such facts is most appreciated by me.

Well... I did gave ref to "democratic socialism" in Soviet Union.

As it is... it was just words...

Les Carpenter said...

Why waste any more time with Foreigner, aka FJ, he's playing you, us, and having a blast doing it. It's what the whining whittle cons do all the time.

Les Carpenter said...

Dave, he's not an honest or serious person. He is a disruptive force and his only purpose is to disrupt comment threads and take over control of the direction. A time tested Hitler and Trump methodology.

He's a total waste of time and energy.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes. You make a good point. There's no use engaging with a troll.

He refuses to understand my points, let alone rationally dispute them, and calls me names, so to hell with him.

Like with every fascist, everyone who disagrees with him is a "communist".

He probably thinks our Constitutional provisions for DEMOCRATIC elections, individual rights, and the general welfare are "communism" too.

He's afraid to even discuss it.

Foreigner said...

\\He's afraid to even discuss it.


If you scarredly deleting my comments where I say anything that you in your zealous rage CANNOt allow to be seen. :-)

\\He probably thinks our Constitutional provisions for DEMOCRATIC elections, individual rights, and the general welfare are "communism" too.


\\He refuses to understand my points, let alone rationally dispute them, and calls me names, so to hell with him.


you refuse to explain it in more details.


it ruins your socialistic delusions.


Obvious behavior of religious believer. It is.

\\Like with every fascist, everyone who disagrees with him is a "communist".

Same as for every commie -- those who do not agree with it... are fascist.

Foreigner said...

\\ Blogger Les Carpenter said...

\\ Dave, he's not an honest or serious person. He is a disruptive force and his only purpose is to disrupt comment threads and take over control of the direction. A time tested Hitler and Trump methodology.

\\ He's a total waste of time and energy.

Helping hand from fellow faithful believe. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"Not listen words of unholy heathens" manra. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

PS Do not disclose. Or that'll be too self-revealing. ;-P

Dave Dubya said...

These points are for you, because the troll will twist them out context and meaning.

\\He's afraid to even discuss it. HOW????

By refusing to consider the given facts, citing my words to refute, and ignoring and dismissing democracy from the discussion. He won't recognize the difference between Finland and USSR, or between a social DEMOCRACY and China. Not even a dictatorship of "ONE PARTY COMMUNIST RULE" rings a bell to him. Nope. Sweden is the "same thing" too.

He shows no capacity to differentiate one-party communist dictatorship from constitutional social DEMOCRACY that provides healthcare and education as a RIGHT, and allows for labor unions to negotiate pay, benefits, and profit sharing. Yes, both capitalism and socialistic public services can be under one system of government. As I noted, the US Constitution has those socialistic ideals in our rule of law. He sees "communism" there.

He IGNORES this FACT here:

\\He probably thinks our Constitutional provisions for DEMOCRATIC elections, individual rights, and the general welfare are "communism" too. Srawmaning.

PROJECTION and DEFLECTION! Those points ARE from my original post. Trolls always try change the subject with THEIR strawman deflections. refuse to explain it in more ruins your socialistic delusions.

He wants more details, yet refuses to discuss the original points. TROLL behavior again. He is clearly here to antagonize.

It all goes back to his earlier white nationalist comment:

History punishes political frivolity. Dependent on the government handouts, too many blacks lost control over their destiny. They foolishly entrusted their fate to the decisions of the others and thus far have fulfilled Lyndon Johnson’s prophesy, “I’ll have these N­­­---ers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”

In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a highly intelligent and well-informed individual, in his eloquent testimony, adumbrated the Democrats:

The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States. (“The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,” March 1965)

Whether it is slavery, segregation, or redemption, the doctrinal objective of the Democrat party has always been in line with Goethe’s famous observation, “The triumph of despotism is to force the slaves to declare themselves free. It may need no force; the slaves may proclaim their freedom quite sincerely: but they are nonetheless slaves.”

That’s why, back in 2012, when then the Democratic Party presumptive nominee, Vice President Joe Biden, spoke at a rally in Danville, Virginia, and insinuated that the Republicans wanted to put black voters back in chains, he was wrong, as usual. He did not realize that he was talking about Democrat chains.

This is the white supremacist "democrat plantation" line. Blacks were too stupid, as in "foolishly entrusted", to see "Democrat chains". Republicans strip away their fair chance at representation and count among their number every neo-Nazi and white racist in the country.

I told him he sounded like a Trumpist. I was correct. He's probably a racist as well.

Just the Facts! said...

USA is a Republic.

Dave Dubya said...

Just the Facts,

Thank you for your observation. A republic is a democracy. The terms mean the same thing.

“Democracy” comes from Greek for “rule of the people”.
“Republic” comes from Latin for “rule of the people”.

1a: government by the people especially : rule of the majority
b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
2: a political unit that has a democratic government
3capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy— C. M. Roberts
4: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
5: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges


Republic: 1a(1): a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president
(2): a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government
b(1): a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law
(2): a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

A democratic republic implies government of, by, and FOR the people.

The constitution of our democratic republic provides for elections, representation, taxes, regulation of commerce and provision for the general welfare.

It legitimizes Socials Security and Medicare that the American people favor.

Is that "socialism" to you? If not, what is?

Foreigner said...

\\Is that "socialism" to you? If not, what is?

Yes. What is "socialism" to you? One of many systems of governance? Some preferences in inner politics?

Or... some Holy Grail and Eldorado in one box, into which only faithful believer can be admitted, and all heathens must be destroyed for good?

\\By refusing to consider the given facts

I see.

We need to start from basic definitions it seems.

What is gnoseological meaning of word "fact" you use?

*I* stand on scientific definition. Facts -- OPEN, OBVIOUS references to Reality.

Like when I referred to historical fact -- document written by Hitler -- 25-point programme.

Which reeks of socialism.

But you tryed to dismiss it and your fellow even called it
Blogger Les Carpenter said...

You mean Jewish propaganda i'm sure.

December 24, 2023 at 10:32 AM

Please, confirm it. Or disprove. Is it how you treating facts? Is it honest and true way to do that?

Dave Dubya said...

"*I* stand on scientific definition. Facts -- OPEN, OBVIOUS references to Reality. Like when I referred to historical fact -- document written by Hitler -- 25-point programme.Which reeks of socialism."

Of course the document is real, but the words are pandering to people who favored socialism instead of racist militaristic police state.

News flash. HITLER LIED.

Anyone who takes Hitler at his word would also believe Hitler was a good Christian.

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933

"The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality. Today Christians stand at the head of our country. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit. We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press-in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during recent years."
Hitler (a Radio Broadcast July 22, 1933; from My New Order, cited in The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1. pp. 871-872, Oxford University Press,London, 1942)

"National Socialism neither opposes the church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity."
Hitler, 1934 speech

Foreigner believes the lies of Hitler like a MAGAt worships the lies of Trump.

And he wants to lecture us on reality...

Les Carpenter said...

Exactly Dave. On both closing sentences.

But, it's well behind me. I have neither the desire or time to allow a whatever to reside in my head.

Hopefully Foreigner gets the help he needs.

Anonymous said...

\\Of course the document is real, but the words are pandering to people who favored socialism instead of racist militaristic police state.

There was NO other socialisms to you.

In that time.

Poor people saw that rich ones ignore their problem in and out.

And chime of "socialistic revolution" was like that sirens song to them.

And racism was STILL not out of fashion. And that term "police state" was not invented even.

That is your problem -- you trying to judge History from anti-historic POV.

\\News flash. HITLER LIED.

That's... just your words. Not facts.

Would you try to find some *FACTUAL* base for your words?

Or... will just continue chanting not based on facts mantras? Confirming your religious attitude toward it.

\\Anyone who takes Hitler at his word would also believe Hitler was a good Christian.

What that even mean?

Good Christians have started Crusades and Inquisition.

By that standards he... quite eligible, I'd say. :-)))))

And why that matter for you? Are you are of Church Slaves? ;-)

\\Foreigner believes the lies of Hitler like a MAGAt worships the lies of Trump.

And. Strawmaning again.


\\And he wants to lecture us on reality...

Talking in third person about yourself? :-)

Dave Dubya said...


I had to laugh.

\\News flash. HITLER LIED.

That's... just your words. Not facts.

For some reason he thinks "socialist Christian Hitler" was an honest man.

He STILL won't respond to my points about the US Constitution. We know why, don't we?

Anonymous said...

\\For some reason he thinks "socialist Christian Hitler" was an honest man.

Did he said that he will be killing Jews? He did.

Was he killing Jews? He did.

And that same about many-many other things. Like breaking treaty of Versales. Starting a war. And etc.

Whatever you mean under that "\\News flash. HITLER LIED." -- it do not pass a test.


What did you mean? What lie? To whom? About what?

Well... that would be Chamberlain and Stalin. And other politicians of other countries.

That lies?

\\He STILL won't respond to my points about the US Constitution. We know why, don't we?

You are one from USA. Isn't it?

I am foreigner.

Who are more eligible and more ready to talk about of "US Constitution", ahh?

Anonymous said...

\\He shows no capacity to differentiate one-party communist dictatorship from constitutional social DEMOCRACY that provides healthcare and education as a RIGHT

You are free to double check it for yourself -- Soviet Union Constitution.

Even though the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly set forth a right to health care, the Supreme Court's decisions in the areas of the right to privacy and bodily integrity suggest the Constitution implicitly provides an individual the right to access health care services at one's own expense from willing medical

Health Care: Constitutional Rights and Legislative Powers
Every CRS Report › reports

1936 Constitution of the USSR, Part I
Bucknell University › ...
This right is ensured by free, qualified medical care provided by state health ... Citizens of the USSR have the right to education. This right is ensured by ...

Foreigner said...

\\He wants more details, yet refuses to discuss the original points.

And how *I* can know WHAT points you have on your mind -- when you only citing your mantras from other place???

Why not provide me EXPLICITLY???

Instead of piling strawmaning onto strawmaning?


Well, like I never saw such behavior before. From religious people. ;-)

\\It all goes back to his earlier white nationalist comment:

\\History punishes political frivolity. Dependent on the government handouts, too many blacks lost control over their destiny. They foolishly entrusted their fate to the decisions of the others and thus far have fulfilled Lyndon Johnson’s prophesy, “I’ll have these N­­­---ers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”


I don't even know whose that "Lyndon Johnson" dude are.

\\This is the white supremacist "democrat plantation" line. Blacks were too stupid, as in "foolishly entrusted", to see "Democrat chains".

I have openly stated.

a) That I am foreigner.

b) Dunno what that "democrat plantation" even mean.

And you admitted that it was the case even.

But now you backing off, and trying to strawman me into saying what other people said???

Dave Dubya said...

Trump praises Hitler:

Donald Trump, while serving as president, once praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during a conversation with then-White House chief of staff Gen. John Kelly, a new book claims.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” Trump told Kelly during a 2018 official visit to Europe to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, according to the Michael Bender book “Frankly, We Did Win This Election.”

Must have been his "socialism"?

Funny how Hitler's SS were indoctrinated in fascism, while radical Right dupes call it "socialism".

After the allied invasion of Italy, Mussolini was deposed and jailed. Hitler needed to send in his SS “fire brigade” to Italy. There were no socialists or Marxists among them. They were loyal Nazis sworn by oath to the Fuhrer.
From Hitler Directs His War” by Felix Gilbert (1950, New York) pp.55ff.

“I have to take politically reliable units. I can only accomplish something with elite formations that are politically close to fascism.”

Foreigner knows better, of course. He's the REAL expert on history.

Dave Dubya said...

Foreigner is now denying words he admitted:

\\History punishes political frivolity. Dependent on the government handouts, too many blacks lost control over their destiny. They foolishly entrusted their fate to the decisions of the others and thus far have fulfilled Lyndon Johnson’s prophesy, “I’ll have these N­­­---ers voting Democrat for the next two hundred year

Foreigner said...

\\ Anonymous said...

History punishes political frivolity. Dependent on the government handouts, too many blacks lost control over their destiny. They foolishly entrusted their fate to the decisions of the others and thus far have fulfilled Lyndon Johnson’s prophesy, “I’ll have these N­­­---ers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”


That was some OTHER anonymous.

Are you so dense? Or just like to use this trick against me SO MUCH??? :-))))))

Well. Both are not surprising.

Anonymous said...

\\Trump praises Hitler:



I am foreigner... and there is NO reason for me to care about someone who are not even candidate in elections even.

\\Must have been his "socialism"?


That is from somebody other's words. And without enough context.

But I can say that I heard similar claims. Like about him creating system of highway roads -- called autobahns.
Or... as anti-semitic wave initiated by leftists of USA rising, quiet talks about "it's good that there's no Jews anymore".
Or... Russians still sighing that Hitler did not won, for them would live in decent country today.

Who knows. :-))))))

\\There were no socialists or Marxists among them. They were loyal Nazis sworn by oath to the Fuhrer.


Socialists of different flavor is at each other throats every time.

Same story as with different churches, even if that is different flavors of Christianity...

Anonymous said...

\\“I have to take politically reliable units. I can only accomplish something with elite formations that are politically close to fascism.”

And why you refer to it... as if it some Holy Truth??? ;-P

If you claim that Hitler lied. :-)))))

Anonymous said...

We proved that Joe Biden is taking bribes in the "Court of Public Opinion". You can scoff all you want,you can even shove your friend Hitler up your ASS. Its going to matter in the election that a majority of Americans think Joe is a corrupt lying asshole. Not to mention the fact that EVERYONE thinks he is senile OLD fuck

Dave Dubya said...

Ignorant Anonymous,

There's no such thing as a "court" of public opinion.

Trump is facing COURTS OF LAW where EVIDENCE matters more than opinions.

Donald Trump has been INDICTED for his Mar-A-Lago Documents Crimes

Counts 1-31: 18 USC 793(e) Willful Retention of National Defense Information
Count 32: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(k) Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
Count 33: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(b) Withholding a Document or Record
Count 34: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c) Corruptly Concealing a Document or Record
Donald Trump has been INDICTED on FOUR CRIMINAL COUNTS for his 2020 election interference.

Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
Count 2: 18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 3: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
Count 4: 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)
In Georgia Trump is charged with:

Criminal racketeering under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
Soliciting a public officer to violate their oath
Conspiring to impersonate a public officer
Conspiring to commit forgery with false electors
Conspiring to commit false statements
Making false statements
Conspiring to file false documents

Anonymous said...

That is all charges... and where is judgments???

Dave Miller said...

So much of this seems to point back to former President Clinton and when he in perfect lawyerly language said, in answering a question said, "It depends on what the definition of of the word 'is' is."

That's because as noted theologian Karl Barth argued early last century that where you stand on socialism depends on how you define it in, even back then, times when definitions are constantly changing.

Those on the right are looking at history's worst examples of socialism and saying that's what the Dems want. Even though that's extremely far from the truth, or reality.

But that matters not, because the charge has been made, the reputation sullied and the dye cast. Because it is all about not being better than your opponent, it's about making him, or her, look worse than you.

Dave Miller said...

Anon... that's rich, the "Court of Public Opinion."

That's where losers go when they have no evidence, or don't have "the goods." And the fact is this, none of your cronies have yet uncovered any "goods" on Biden. And they've admitted that themselves.

So while you may be winning in the "Court of Public Opinion", everything you're "winning" with is a lie, unsupported by facts, or evidence.

Unless of course you have something to share here to say otherwise and contradict the MAGA loving folks in Congress who to date, have come up admittedly empty.

Dave Dubya said...

The authoritarian radical Right needs to demonize democrats as "socialist commies", as exemplified by their fascist criminal leader.

"Liberal" and "progressive" have magically been converted to "communism", as Foreigner is bent on doing.

Anonymous demonstrates utter ignorance of our court and jury system.

Les Carpenter said...

Anyone who believes or thinks they are winning a goddamn thing with this charade is stark raving mad. It is pure negative with great destructive power and it is exactly what Trump, MAGA, and the republican party have been into since 2015 or earlier. The destruction of our republic and representative democracy.

Yet it is entertained. Daily. Why?

Dave Dubya said...

"The destruction of our republic and representative democracy. Yet it is entertained. Daily. Why?"

If only we were all in our white mind and saw things in the white way, we'd ALL clearly see the white at the end of the tunnel.

We just need to be enwhitened.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, i guess all we need to do then is use some greased whitening, and all will be well?

Only like most, i prefer color. It's more American. :)

Just the Facts! said...

Satanists Endorse Biden

Uniquely, there is an endorsement of Joe Biden that doesn’t consist of lies:

The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election.

Their reasons make perfect sense — considering that they worship evil.

From the O9A website:

[D]emocracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.

The Big Guy — who has been on the payroll of our most formidable adversary — is the most obvious example.

Dave Dubya said...

It's so CUTE that you think there's some significance in some British wackos endorsing Biden.

Biden certainly doesn't welcome their endorsement.

But Trump PRAISES his delusional neo-Nazi, white nationalist, antisemitic fans. He even WELCOMED antisemites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes to Mar-a-Lago.

Maybe you haven't heard of the equally insane and evil Pizzagate Pushers Q-Anon, the racist Proud Boys, the white supremacist Oath Keepers, Alex (Fake School Shootings) Jones Inc.

In this group we find Trump's CONVICTED seditionist mob of THUGS he loves to PRAISE

Not even the Satanists would storm our Capitol, terrorize Congress, and beat cops bloody to install Biden.

So yeah, that's the difference. Not that YOU can tell. ;-)

Foreigner said...

\\ Blogger Dave Miller said...
\\ Those on the right are looking at history's worst examples of socialism and saying that's what the Dems want. Even though that's extremely far from the truth, or reality.

Yet one dude here that do not understand history.

Do you really think that Mao, Stalin... that same Hitler wanted THAT bloody mess, as it happened???

Well... you can call em bloody maniacs all you want. And they was.

But hardly ANYONE can call em suicide squad. So, that problems they created while tried to build Socialism -- that is not just mistakes.

But definite demonstration -- that Socialism DO NOT WORK.

Socialism -- that is PARASITIC system.

So, yeah, that examples leftists like to point at so much -- like Sweden.

But... Sweden IS rich.

Try. Show. When, where and HOW, Socialism have made POOR initially people -- rich.

There is NONE.

None, except that bloody baths of civil wars and revolutions.

That slauthered 10-20-30% of population... so then remaining was able to thrive... well in half-hungry "prosperity".


For every self-proclaimed Socialist -- SHOW that your MONEY is where you mouth is. ;-P

But NO, they don't want that -- they want to use SOMEBODY ELSE's money. To "rob the rich", to "expropriate", to rise taxes for at least.

But they NEVER will say: "See. I INVESTED my money into Socialism. And it returned back to me 10x-fold. Don't be stupid, invest into Socialism". ;-)

\\That's where losers go when they have no evidence, or don't have "the goods." And the fact is this, none of your cronies have yet uncovered any "goods" on Biden. And they've admitted that themselves.


As in that "Hang Trump!" campaign. ;-)

\\So while you may be winning in the "Court of Public Opinion", everything you're "winning" with is a lie, unsupported by facts, or evidence.

So??? Elections have NOTHING in common with "Court of Public Opinion", yes? ;-)

\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...
\\ "Liberal" and "progressive" have magically been converted to "communism", as Foreigner is bent on doing.

I just use Historical Facts.

And you talk with political slogans.

That's all.

Dave Dubya said...

Foreigner won't let go.

He won't even TRY to define, or understand, what our concept of democratic socialism is. In fact, he IGNORES the "democratic" element entirely.

I showed a survey that indicated people living Scandinavian social DEMOCRACIES are the HAPPIEST in the world. Where the hell does HE live, anyway. Probably in a pit of misery.

He won't even offer HIS DEFINITION of democratic socialism that he seems to hold as identical to fascism, Stalinism, Maoism, and North Korean Communism.

And where has he even mentioned communism? He seems to think we are all commies though.

Sounds very neo-Nazi-MAGA of him.

And he offered Exhibit B that indicates his "Foreign Trumpism":

\\That's where losers go when they have no evidence, or don't have "the goods." And the fact is this, none of your cronies have yet uncovered any "goods" on Biden. And they've admitted that themselves.

Yep. As in that "Hang Trump!" campaign. ;-)

Like every MAGAt he thinks there's no evidence that Trump is a criminal. This also indicates an authoritarian personality.

By defending a fascist he's figuratively hanging himself with his own rope.

Dave Miller said...

In the movie "Inglorious Basterds" the heros were betrayed by a simple gesture. In the underground bar scene, the boys were enjoying a few beers when a couple of Nazi officers happened in.

In response to a question, the leader of the Basterds answered three, holding up his first three fingers as any American would instinctively do. The problem was that they were claiming to be countryside locals who the Nazis knew would never use those three fingers to signify three, but rather, the last three fingers on the hand.

Thus, the jig, as some would say, was up.

RN has theorized that "Foreigner" is really a truncated -FJ, noted online troll and rabble rouser.

I agree, and here's why...

-FJ, a fan of the now deceased FreeThinke, is well known for using this sign, ;-P elsewhere when he directs us more progressive folks to his believed videos.

Like the leader of the Basterds, I think -FJ just unwittingly proved RN correct.

BTW Foreigner/-FJ, your screed is full of illogical leaps. Those of us who invest our lives in helping others, often at great cost, do not do to make people rich. We do it because it is a calling and simply to help people.

We invest our own money and yes, donations from others, to help ppl rise above poverty and live a stable life for as long as they have on the third rock from the sun.

Is that socialism? Or is it biblical, like when Paul says faith communities with more money should invest in poorer communities so that "At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality..."

Anonymous said...

The glue, Dave, is the interconnectedness of all things. The realization that regardless of race, culture, geographical location, political or religious affiliations the desire and will to do good for others is part and parcel of who you (and millions of others like you) are. In my faith we call these folks bodhisattvas. The world needs legions more like you Dave. And it's why i continue to respect Christians like you Dave who actually practice the true intent of Christ's teachings.

Anonymous said...

\\He won't even TRY to define, or understand, what our concept of democratic socialism is. In fact, he IGNORES the "democratic" element entirely.


It's YOUR term. Why *I* should define it???

What logic is this??? :-)))))

\\I showed a survey that indicated people living Scandinavian social DEMOCRACIES are the HAPPIEST in the world.

Or... maybe because they have oil and gas deposits? Or Nordic climate is just better for health? Or... whatever.

\\And he offered Exhibit B that indicates his "Foreign Trumpism":


\\Like every MAGAt he thinks there's no evidence that Trump is a criminal. This also indicates an authoritarian personality.

"Authoritarian"? One who think that Presumption of Innocence is one of most important human rights???

Of course... Russian commie/bolsheviks and German nazis... when they was throwing people into jails and death camps... was doing it with holding Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights as something important...


Same as you, they was just happy... to "punish" their political opponents.

\\By defending a fascist he's figuratively hanging himself with his own rope.

"Fascists of the future will be calling themself anti-fascists".(c)


\\ Blogger Dave Miller said...

\\I agree, and here's why...


Because you are fool. :-)))))))))))))

\\BTW Foreigner/-FJ, your screed is full of illogical leaps. Those of us who invest our lives in helping others, often at great cost, do not do to make people rich. We do it because it is a calling and simply to help people.

We are living in a material world. Where physical laws on conservation of energy and matter working.

That mean. That not only you cannot help somebody ELSE, when you already used your time and energy somewhere before.

But also... you need to replenish that energy to self-sustain yourself -- and where'd you take it from???

Somebody who will do it for free to you -- such a goody-goody helper??? :-)))))

But... from where'd that other would take that resources?

It's most damning question... for Socialists. As they know only how to squander money, not how to rise em.

\\Is that socialism? Or is it biblical, like when Paul says faith communities with more money should invest in poorer communities so that "At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality..."


And how much success they showed... in last 2000 years... I wonder. :-)

Dave Dubya said...

Foreign MAGAt does have a lot in common with the other foreign MAGAt. I wouldn't be surprised if they are one and the same.

Foreign MAGAt keeps proving he's only here to antagonize. He is a troll. He's not here to share information or even ideas. All he's doing is parroting radical Right drivel.

Such disrespect indicates an authoritarian personality who believes others are beneath him.

IF he wants to post here again, I suggest he tells us where he is from and which political party/economic system he supports, and WHY. Such non-disclosure is cowardice.

We know he isn't a socialist, rejects any definition of democratic socialism, and HATES democracy itself. He even admires and defends Trump. That makes him a fascist. I'd also bet he's a racist. He DID make excuses for slavery in the US.

If he won't abide in civil discussion, he will be gone from this blog.

I expect him to test me on this, like any other bully and authoritarian bigot would compulsively do.

This is his only warning.

Les Carpenter said...

As we anticipate his attempted return with more of his authoritarian delusions.

Dave Dubya said...

Foreign MAGAt's final words:

"You are totally one of Cult of Morons AKA socialists."

Who did nazi that coming?

Les Carpenter said...

Predictable as day and night are Foreigner's delusions.

Les Carpenter said...

You know Dave D., what i smell in Foreigner's comments is nothing short of naked fear. Fear of losing his coveted white privilege status and the perks it bestows upon him. IOW, the fear of power loss. Economic and social. P

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, it became obvious by FM's deliberate avoidance of the term "Democratic". THAT's what he really fears and hates. Mighty white of him, isn't it?

Dave Dubya said...

FM IGNORED my request and is pouting like MAGAt.

IF he wants to post here again, I suggest he tells us where he is from and which political party/economic system he supports, and WHY. Such non-disclosure is cowardice...If he won't abide in civil discussion, he will be gone from this blog.

I expect him to test me on this, like any other bully and authoritarian bigot would compulsively do.

This is his only warning.

So he decided to insult me. Now he whines like a MAGAt.


Anonymous said...

Now that the statues have been removed and the bases renamed, tell me how your life has improved.

Dave Dubya said...


Tell me why your butt hurts over the removal of statues of traitors and not naming US bases after ENEMIES of the US Army.

Maybe that's why Nikki Haley couldn't bring herself to admit the Civil War was over slavery and you'd like to see MORE statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest?

Les Carpenter said...

Traitors to the Duly Elected government of a nation do NOT deserve statues. They deseves the gallows and denunciation of their traitorous activities in the history books. PERIOD anymouse. Get it?

Dave Dubya said...

Love it!

Dave Miller said...

Anon asked...

"Now that the statues have been removed and the bases renamed, tell me how your life has improved."

Has my life improved? Not a bit. Do other members of my family feel like the USA is a better place since they have been removed? Absolutely.

Anon, can you make a cogent case for keeping memorials and statues of traitors who desired to destroy the United States, people who fought a war and literally split our country for the right to own other people?

I've heard that this is all part of our history and we should keep those monuments for that reason, but what other country in the world celebrates the losers in a war? The very people who strove to destroy the country?

What's to say we shouldn't honor the other great military minds who attacked the US? How about Admiral Yamamoto of Japan? That dude was a genius, his attack on Pearl devastating. Should we venerate him too as part of our history?

Let me ask you, has the removal of the statues made your life worse?

Dave Dubya said...

Dave and Les,

Of course, we ALL know "Anymouse" won't respond to questions.

He is a troll, and not intelligent enough or willing enough to engage in civil and rational discourse.

He's also likely a white guy from Texas called Vern. He's not honorable enough to even identify himself.

Anonymous said...

So removing statues and renaming bases has not improved your life Dave.

Anonymous said...

Dave and Les,
How is your life better under Biden than it was under Trump?

Dave Dubya said...


Funny how Republicans say Democrats are the party of slavery, but Republicans are the ones who wave Confederate flags, and want to keep Confederate statues and military bases named in their honor.

Their reason? They want to preserve their heritage. There you go. Mighty white of them.

Is my life better under Biden??

HELL, YES! Biden is restoring our democracy, getting bi-partisan supported infrastructure and other improvements delivered to our country.

Trump FAILED on all of that.

And Trump tried to CANCEL MY VOTE and those of 81 MILLION Americans.

And STILL Trump is ramping up LIES and HATE like a neo-Nazi dictator wannabe.

Dave Dubya said...


Inflation is down and the Stock Market is up. Gas prices are falling. Unemployment is down.

Too bad all this is causing you to suffer so much. Maybe more Trump tax cuts for the rich and higher tariffs on trade will perk things up?

Dave Miller said...

Anon... why do you think we should answer you when you never answer back?

As for the statues, when my family feels better, feels safer, feels heard by the government, feels that the right thing is happening, my life is better.

And all of that has been true as those statues have come down. They no longer have to see the country celebrating the people who fought to destroy the USA for the right to own other people.

That's a big win for them and for me.

Les Carpenter said...

For anymouse the troll:

I simply echo Dave D. and Dave M who are 110% accurate. IOW truthful and they bring receipts. You anymouse bring crumbs of innuendo and false claims to support your facist party and its presumed Furher.

So anymouse the troll, search elsewhere for ignorant trumpists to soak up your blather and BS.

Dave Dubya said...

The crybaby MAGAts are dumping any and all of their petty lies, resentments and hate for Democrats, and for us, now.

It's really all they have, isn't it?

Les Carpenter said...

It sure looks that way. From any clear perspective on reality anyway.

Anonymous said...

Of course, he is talking about himself. As a Senator he will get taxpayer paid benefits until he dies.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, "taxpayer paid benefits until he dies". Socialism for me but not for thee.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, I've got to hand it to you. Your efforts at Lisa's Blog, sometimes known by FreeThinke and his fans as "The Stench Trench" for its 100% unfiltered "style" has been epic.

I used to comment there myself before it went totally off the rails and there was no chance of sane dialogue. Now any effort at that gets met with, well, nothing sane.

Your recent comment citing views of GOP representatives hired by then President Trump to investigate a "stollen" and fraudulent election and coming up empty is a perfect example. You provided easy links so your info could be checked, rechecked and totally verified.

And the first response deals not with the info, but instead is loaded with personal insults. I suspect there will be more to come, because no one there ever posts links or evidence to the contrary, or to support their views, instead choosing to go with insults, taunts and made up blather.

Keep it up Dave.

And have a great 2024.

Dave Dubya said...


Thanks, and Happy New Year.

I’m just entertaining my sick sense of humor while making sport of their idiocy.

My latest:

No brain required to worship Trump:

Trump's brain is short-circuiting: "You have children going to school speaking languages that nobody even knows what the language is. There are many languages in the world. They don’t even know what the language is."

"No Brain Required" Exhibit #45,677,987 and #45,677,988:

"Donald Trump is president right now."

Trump is "in charge of the good military. Biden is in charge of the bad military.'

Shaw Kenawe said...

Is the commenter, "Foreigner" the same one who left a comment at my blog?

Your "Foreigner" sounds like -FJ and his sock puppets.

Dave Dubya said...

I think it's more likely a long-time troll who would use multiple IDs.

The original Foreigner showed more intelligence, albeit still filled with neo-fascist bigotry.

Dave Dubya said...

The Trolls are upset that I won't let them spew their hate.

I wonder how they would welcome visitors who insult them and LIE about them?

Typical hateful neo-Nazi crybabies are always the "victims".

Jerry said...

Anonymous is right on.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous is right about what, Jerry?

Insulting me? I recall YOU doing the same, then whining about my request for the reason you thought I was lying.

Now you're just another troll echoing MAGAts.

Anonymous said...

Dave You are acting, and writing as if you have never opened you eyes since the day you were born.
These 2 last comments of yours are written as if you are 12 years old. WISE UP, and open your eyes, and for heavens sake STAY AWAY FROM THAT MORONIC OBSESSED PROGRESSIVE IDIOT !

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your "advice".

You COULD have shown me the light, and explained how I was mislead or mistaken.

But no, you had to reduce your entire message to another adolescent mindless insult.

I was referring to people like you when I posted this at the neo-Nazi racist MAGA blog WYD:

Incredible: 64% of Republicans say Donald Trump is a "person of faith." Only 34% say Mitt Romney is.

Not incredible at all. They're a CULT that worships Trump as their infallible messiah. Every LIE from him is swallowed as gospel.

They prefer Trump's message of hate over the message of Jesus to love. All you need to know about those hypocrites.

Now watch them prove me correct....again.

Dave Miller said...

Mind you Dave D, Deseret News is owned by the Mormon Church, but has a great rep. So i would trust their polling on this as it relates to the Mormon Church and Romney.

Interesting numbers.

Dave Dubya said...

A cult MUST revere its leader as their godly spiritual guide.

So MAGAts will always worship Trump because they have convinced themselves that God/Jesus personally sent him to save America.

Funny how easily they forget the bit that no one can serve both God AND Mammon. Or they'll pretend Trump isn't in it for the money, as they send him their monthly donations.

Jerry said...

Of course, he is talking about himself. As a Senator he will get taxpayer paid benefits until he dies.

Anonymous said...

It’s not just Trump: Democrats are moving to bar Republicans from ballots nationwide ...
so much for "Democracy".

Just the Facts! said...

I suggest a new framework for understanding this. Rather than thinking of this as Democrat vs. Republican, consider this as elitists ("The Few") taking away the right of the people ("The Many") to choose their government. It isn't an attack on the GOP or even conservatives; it's an attack on a Democratic Republic, which is supposed to be by the people, of the people, and for the people. We are supposed to be able to vote them in AND out. Elitists cannot be having ANY of that.

This move to ban Republicans is desperate, yes, they know we're about to try to make a leadership change, but it's also cunning. The more levers they control, the more levers they can control, until finally, we're living in a totalitarian state. Which they're fine with, whatever, as long as they're the elitists at the top.

At the moment, they're using language they think the rank and file will accept, right up until the political noose is tightened around all of us -- anyone who isn't them. I assure you, elitists will toss non-elitist Democrats in the Gulag right next to Republicans. And many professional Republicans are elitists.

We're living on borrowed time. People might never want to vote Republican, they might think they hate all Republicans, not a thoughtful stance, but hey, go in peace. But we must all be crystal clear on the need for our right and our ability to vote for the candidate of OUR choice.

Just the Facts! said...

We must all be crystal clear on the need for our right and our ability to vote for the candidate of our choice.

We must also understand that banning people from a ballot is not the end game for the elitists. It is an attack on democracy.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, Jerry.

These Republicans?

These 16 Republican congressmembers deeply involved in planning Jan. 6 helped Trump try to overturn the 2020 election

Do you mean the other Republicans who criminally attempted to overturn our election and CANCEL MY VOTE? AND 81 MILLION AMERICAN VOTERS!

THEY are the indicted OFFENDERS against OUR democracy and rule of law.

Project all you want. Cry all you want. Bitch all you want. This is Exactly what SORE LOSERS do.

You can't understand your minds have been polluted and deluded by the paranoia, hate and lies of Donald Trump. You think every word he utters is GOSPEL!

That mass insanity. It is a CULT! And you'll never figure that out. You don't want to. Trump is your master.

You reject reality for your paranoid and gullible worship of an authoritarian, narcissistic sociopath who doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else.

His criminal cronies are swearing under oath they KNEW HE LOST and HE KNEW HE LOST! The people he hired to find massive fraud FAILED TO FIND IT and TOLD HIM HE LOST! And he criminally tried to STEAL the election.

So here is what reality looks like. Read 'em and weep.

By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:
BIDEN 51.3%
81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral
TRUMP 46.8% (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!)
74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

Dave Dubya said...

Just the Facts,

Interesting "framework" that some Trump stooge wrote for you. Framing is everything in propaganda.

And it REEKS of all the hallmarks of authoritarian propaganda. Oh, the INJUSTICE! PARANOIA is the fuel. FEAR is the tool. And the ever-present RADICAL RIGHT/FASCIST "VICTIM CARD" makes its obligatory appearance.

"I assure you, elitists will toss non-elitist Democrats in the Gulag right next to Republicans. And many professional Republicans are elitists. We're living on borrowed time."

All that's missing is aspiring dictator Trump saying, "But I am standing in their way".

The reality is Trump and his co-conspirators and co-defendants tried taking away the right of the people ("The Many") to choose the next president.

Most patriotic Democrats and many moral patriotic Republicans saw his mob storm the Capitol with his FULL APPROVAL, and his many other CRIMINAL actions to OVERTURN our election as INSURRECTION. They understand we have a 14th Amendment to address such actions. No formal charges or convictions are required as their open ACTIONS speak to the facts. See the sort who wave the Confederate flag, then and now.

I suggest you read my response to you, or anonymous, just above.


Reality is in front of your face. But as I noted above, YOU cannot accept what is real. YOU not only ALLOW but DESIRE Trump to define your reality. His word is literally gospel to you. He is your infallible messiah. You MUST HAVE FAITH IN HIS HOLY WORDS.

Everything you say is from HIS version of reality that YOU MUST BELIEVE without question.

If I am mistaken or incorrect, please feel free to quote my error and cite any verifiable information that would enlighten me.

All you have to do is start one sentence with the words, "Trump lied about..."

Just the Facts! said...

But Dave only an elitist would react as you have.

Just the Facts! said...

This post that scares you so much never once brings up Trump, will you accept that? It's right in front of your face.
Define for us what is a moral patriotic Republican. Someone who agrees with you? Someone whose definition of reality is you are always right?

Face it Dave, you are an elitist. Removing Republicans or anyone you disagree with from a ballot is not democratic, it is elitist-ism, and you support it.

Dave Dubya said...

Right, JTF.
I'm now an "elitist".
If it wasn't about Trump, who WAS it about? Answer honestly or it will be deleted as spam.
Remember when Trump told you HE is the "elite"?
And now I am? Reality isn't your thing.
Only a Trumpist would produce such a dishonest "framework" of pure projection and fear-mongering with "gulags" and "borrowed time".


No wonder you need to spew inane bullshit to deflect. You fascist thugs hate democracy and want a dictatorship. As far as I'm concerned that makes YOU a traitor along with your dear leader.

Please bug off until you find the basic decency to respond to my questions and not vomit more senseless bile.

I don't have to put up with your crap, you know.

Show some good faith or goodbye.

Dave Dubya said...

JTF, or shall I still call you Vern? Tim could mean any of the I, II or III generation, wouldn't it?

How's the weather down in Texas. What will you do when Abbot lets the grid fail again while Cruz heads to Mexico?

I know you won't answer any of my questions. It is your authoritarian personality that hates doing that.

But I'll answer one of yours.

"Define for us what is a moral patriotic Republican."

One who calls Trump out for the liar he is. Those who understand he tried to steal the election and is a grave threat to our democracy. Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Michael Luttig, etc. Even Liz Cheney, who sided with Trump 90% of the time found a conscience and her DUTY TO THE CONSTITUTION. You call them "RINO's". Many others have left the Republican Party because of him.

Patriots don't storm the Capitol, terrorize Congress and beat cops bloody to overturn an election.

But this is all to much for you to wrap your head around because it is so far stuck up Trump's ass.

All you had to do to show a trace of decency and conscience was start one sentence with the words, "Trump lied about..."

You FAILED. That's really all we need to know about you. He is your god.

Dave Dubya said...

Vern the MAGAt Troll has decided he needs to attack me personally instead of answering questions, citing facts, or citing mistakes he THINKS I made.

Now he's up to his same old adolescent MAGAt lies, smears and hate. And of course he WHINES over my not putting up with his hate.

But that's how a cult reacts when you criticize their false god.

Dave Miller said...

JTF stated...

"We must all be crystal clear on the need for our right and our ability to vote for the candidate of our choice.

We must also understand that banning people from a ballot is not the end game for the elitists. It is an attack on democracy."

JTF, can someone vote for fmr Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm for president? Or fmr California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for president?

Can they vote for someone who is 32 years old?

The answer to all of those questions is no.

Are those restrictions undemocratic and elitist? Because the Founding Fathers and our leaders after the Civil War wanted to make sure we had American presidents and were not electing people who had tried to divide our country and destroy the Union.

These are not restrictions, they are qualifications.

American born, 35 years old and not an insurrectionist.

Are you saying supporting the Constitution makes Dave an elitist?

Dave Dubya said...


If JTF wants to have his response posted he must answer your question.

"Are you saying supporting the Constitution makes Dave an elitist?"

Chances are infinitely higher he'll spew more whining, lies, and hate.

I'll even make it easier. Does opposing Trump make someone an elitist?

And please define "elitist".

Crickets expected.

Foreigner said...

Better... please find and show me that clips from CNN and other USA news... where they showed SIMILAR ""... IN OTHER countries.

And HOW they commented it?

Well... or just BLM ""very peaceful" mob".

Dave Dubya said...


Why won't you tell me what country you're in? And why should I answer your questions when you don't answer mine? Is the internet censored where you are? Are you unfamiliar with search engines?

I'll show you this about the THOUSANDS of anti-police racism protests:

BLM and Floyd protests were largely peaceful, data confirms
In CCC data collected from May 2020 to June 2021, 94% of protests involved no participant arrests, 97.9% involved no participant injuries, 98.6% involved no injuries to police, and 96.7% involved no property damage.


93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)
Demonstrations and Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020

Between 24 May and 22 August, ACLED records more than 10,600 demonstration events across the country. Over 10,100 of these — or nearly 95% — involve peaceful protesters. Fewer than 570 — or approximately 5% — involve demonstrators engaging in violence.

Les Carpenter said...

Precisely the exact efforts of the con republicans. To secure minority governance through nefarious gerrymandering, packing the scotus with reactionary cons, and then rolling back the civil rights of the many to control their lives and further enrich themselves and their elites.

Damn you're naive JTF.

Dave Dubya said...

JTF isn't naive. He's a loyal fascist and overt racist. He's made that abundantly clear over the last 15 years at this blog. I refuse to publish his most racist comments.

It has come to the courts of law. The United States v Donald Trump.

Either Trump is held accountable or the country falls into white nationalist Christo-fascism.

Dave Dubya said...

Oops. I accidently deleted your last comment Les.

Anonymous said...


Dave is a Black elitist communist. His posts show us that to be true.

Dave Dubya said...


JTF posing as anonymous shows his HATE, IGNORANCE and RACISM AGAIN.

Now you know why I won't post his most of his racist trash.

Comments are moderated. Racism and other hate speech will be filtered.

Although I am none of the above LIES, I would welcome any Black Communist over a racist neo-Nazi any day. At least they are much SMARTER and better read.

Ignorant racist Vern, aka JTF, has no idea what communism is.

Anonymous said...

Lenin saw the Communist Party as a highly committed intellectual elite who had a scientific understanding of history and society in the light of Marxist principles, were committed to ending capitalism and instituting socialism in its place, were bent on forcing through this transition after having achieved political power, and were committed to attaining this power by any means possible, including VIOLENCE and revolution if necessary.


A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. The Marxist-Leninist doctrine advocating revolution to overthrow the capitalist system and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat that will eventually evolve into a perfectly egalitarian and communal society.

Dave Dubya said...

FACT: Not ONE Democrat advocates communism. Nor have I. Only Trump's "poorly educated" cult and racist neo-Nazis make such accusations without evidence.

Trump's insurrection is in total agreement with this, though:

"were committed to attaining this power by any means possible, including VIOLENCE and revolution if necessary."

He has already admitted he wants to be a dictator.

Only ONE side is clamoring for civil war.

Anonymous said...

If , and it's a huge if, communism were allowed to function anywhere exactly as Marx ultimately envisioned it it just might work. No one has ever been able to logically explain exactly why it would be a "bad" thing.

My guess? It scares the bejesus out of the extremely wealthy, greedy corporations, and unscrupulous dishonest lying authoritarian minded pols. They prefer fascism or some iteration of it.

Humans have simply not evolved enough to accept and responsibly handle such an altruistic and compassionate vision for society.

Given current global tendencies it likely it will take another 2500 years or more before it might be ready. Communisn, as envisioned by Marx, would be very Christian like.