Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday Sermon

While few may be disappointed, there will be no preaching from "Rev. Dave" today.

Instead I present a final Sunday sermon, before the voters of the United States decide between truth and lies, between decency and hate, and between democracy and white nationalism.

Today two special guest pastors shall have the pulpit.


Christianity and Totalitarianism

From the chapter entitled "Christianity and Totalitarianism" from Disputed Questions (1960) by Thomas Merton

A mass movement readily exploits the discontent and frustration of large segments of the population which for some reason or other cannot face the responsibility of being persons and standing on their own feet. But give these persons a movement to join, a cause to defend, and they will go to any extreme, stop at no crime, intoxicated as they are by the slogans that give them a pseudo-religious sense of transcending their own limitations. The member of a mass movement, afraid of his own isolation, and his own weakness as an individual, cannot face the task of discovering within himself the spiritual power and integrity which can be called forth only by love. Instead of this, he seeks a movement that will protect his weakness with a wall of anonymity and justify his acts by the sanction of collective glory and power. All the better if this is done out of hatred, for hatred is always easier and less subtle than love. It does not have to respect reality as love does. It does not have to take account of individual cases. Its solutions are simple and easy. It makes its decisions by a simple glance at a face, a colored skin, a uniform. It identifies an enemy by an accent, an unfamiliar turn of speech, an appeal to concepts that are difficult to understand. He is something unfamiliar. This is not "ours." This must be brought into line - or destroyed. 

Here is the great temptation of the modern age, this universal infection of fanaticism, this plague of intolerance, prejudice and hate which flows from the crippled nature of man who is afraid of love and does not dare to be a person. It is against this temptation most of all that the Christian must labor with inexhaustible patience and love, in silence, perhaps in repeated failure, seeking tirelessly to restore, wherever he can, and first of all in himself, the capacity of love and which makes man the living image of God.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist, and scholar of comparative religion. On May 26, 1949, he was ordained to the priesthood and given the name Father Louis.


And we close with the famous poem about Nazis by German Pastor Martin Niemoeller:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me. 

- Amen.

Go in peace. Go and vote.


Jefferson's Guardian said...

Re: Pastor Martin Niemoeller...

And that's why I fight back...despite Mr. Paine's frustration and bewilderment.

True patriots, and believers in democracy, will not walk away from a fight.

T. Paine said...

Then they came for those that disagree with me... and I cheered them on!

And I fight with the rage and hate in my heart because they are evil... right, J.G.?

It is not enough to call out "hate and lies". We have to destroy those that speak such things, even if we also become hateful and deceitful in doing so. Again... right, J.G.?

Jefferson's Guardian said...

I knew you couldn't stay away, Mr. Paine. At least in this respect, you're as predictable as ever. ;-)

You mistake perseverance for rage, and the fight for democracy as hate. Why is that, Mr. Paine? Have you bought into the "very fine people" philosophy of your president -- and those who sympathize with and support him?

Those who lie and hate destroy themselves. They don't need others. It's like a cancer that kills from the inside, and you've shown yourself to be accepting of this in your politics and leaders.

That's dangerous. If you're agreeable with what's happened to your party, and what it has done to this country, you're dangerous too.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Here is the great temptation of the modern age, this universal infection of fanaticism, this plague of intolerance, prejudice and hate which flows from the crippled nature of man who is afraid of love and does not dare to be a person. It is against this temptation most of all that the Christian must labor with inexhaustible patience and love, in silence, perhaps in repeated failure, seeking tirelessly to restore, wherever he can, and first of all in himself, the capacity of love and which makes man the living image of God." ~~ Thomas Merton, as posted by Dave Dubya

The first part, the bold-fonted portion, accurately depicts the typical Trumpist Christian of today. The rest of Merton's description of Christians -
laboring "with inexhaustible patience and love" - doesn't apply to today's faux brand of Trumpist Christian. Not even a little bit.

It must be why the young generations aren't filling the pews any longer. They see through the sham; smell the hypocrisy. Trumpism has opened their eyes to the lies, whuch has exponentially grown under this president; this corrupt and inept administration.

"Go in peace. Go and vote." ~~ Dave Dubya

Count on it. I'll do something I've never done in the last 30 years - vote a straight Democratic ticket.

It's imperative to slow, if not stop, the hateful message of the racist, white supremacist, sexist, xenophobic dividing sociopath - and all who support him.