Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Socialist" Pope

"It is alarming to see hotbeds of tension and conflict caused by growing instances of inequality between rich and poor, by the prevalence of a selfish and individualistic mindset which also finds expression in an unregulated financial capitalism."

"The creation of ethical structures for currency, financial and commercial markets is also fundamental and indispensable. These must be stabilized and better coordinated and controlled so as not to prove harmful to the very poor."

Pope Benedict XVI December 28, 2012


free0352 said...

I guess that is why we have a separation of church and state.

Dave Dubya said...

Now if we can only have separation of Wall Street and State...

free0352 said...

Yes, lets get the government out of business. I'm all for it.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

More importantly, let's get business out of government.

free0352 said...

You cant do the one without the other.

Dave Dubya said...

Big government, the devil that Republicans love to inveigh against, is big precisely because it is so active in so many costly ways in serving the interests of our biggest corporations. Corporate lobbyists attest with their every breath that big government and big business are bedmates in a bountiful venture that impoverishes the rest of us. - Robert Scheer