Saturday, December 7, 2024

Wasted Life


A United Healthcare insurance CEO was murdered. 

Innocent victim? Karma? Revenge? Comeuppance? 

Why does this story resonate so much? Because most of us in the "land of the free" are one accident or disease from misery, bankruptcy, and poverty. And of course, when any rich white guy is the victim, it becomes a huge media story.

While I abhor violence and emphatically condemn murder, it is difficult to summon much sympathy for someone who was indifferent to the human suffering he facilitated just so he can make a few more million dollars.

I hope those who mourn his death can at least equally mourn the countless people dying every day from lack of health care and insurance coverage denial.

Insurance companies are as amoral and cold-blooded as any cartel or sociopath. Not only are they legally causing suffering, but they also have lawyers writing legislation to protect their um, interests.

Something drove the killer to do this, and I hope we learn what his motive was. Don't be surprised if the murderer becomes a folk hero if he survives long enough, or even a martyr if he doesn't 

The real story is why this happened in the first place. If nothing is learned, nothing will change, and more people will die. In fact, the only certainty is more Americans WILL die.

But, hey. Business is business, so human life is devalued, and profits are assured by more suffering and death. What SHOULD be learned from this won't be learned. It’s just another wasted life chalked up to institutionalized corporate greed and malpractice.

And there is little hope for any relief from this corporate health insurance cruelty.

 Maybe these bloody parasites are the problem?

No matter how many Americans want more and better public health care, it will be obstructed by Republicans and the dupes who vote for them, despite the fact THEY want and need Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other safety nets. Whether out of ignorance, or just hate for liberals and immigrants, they STUPIDLY vote AGAINST their own interests.

I’d like to share what a Canadian wrote, and the shameless non-response from MAGA dupes at another blog.

I'm a Canadian. This is what I did two days ago. I went to my doctor appointment, gave the receptionist my health card, sat down for 3 mins in the waiting area and was called in by a nurse. The nurse weighed me, took my blood pressure, and heart rate and said the doctor will be with you in a moment. In a moment, the doctor came in, we talking about my prescription, whatever health issue I had, bla bla bla, and gave me a referral to get several types of blood tests. She also gave me a slip to give to the receptionist to book a follow up appointment. After that, I drove down the street, went to the lab for a blood test. Gave them my health card, had my blood taken and peed in a cup and was out the door in 15 mins.

There were no fees, no insurance, zero costs. I will not get a bill in the mail, it will never cost me anything. I am 52yrs old, have lots of health issues, had countless CT, MRI, and many other scans and operations, I have never had a bill in my entire life. If that means I am a socialist, so be it. I would rather be a socialist than be a bankrupted capitalist. 

Insurance CEO's provide zero health care. Why should they get the free money?

“I’m shocked, shocked to find” that not one MAGA dupe could answer this. 

Meanwhile they celebrate Trump's win despite his pal Elon Musk reposting Mike Lee's threat, "It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it out by the roots".

He said the same for Medicare and Medicaid. Just enough Americas are stupid enough to support these ghouls.


Anonymous said...

Other advanced / wealthy countries spend much less money per capita on health care and have similar to better health care results for more of their citizens than US. But we have chosen our health care system over better options.

Dave Dubya said...

If "we have chosen" means voting against our interests by voting for Republicans, then yes we have.

If only Americans were wise enough to have passed FDR's "Second Bill of Rights":

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

Anonymous said...

Say Dave, still support using the popular vote to determine all future President elections?

Dave Dubya said...

All of us who value democracy support a popular vote for president.
Thank you for your interest.

And thank you for your disinterest in the subject at hand. And here I was hoping you'd have a constructive opinion on why insurance company CEOs deserve millions of dollars while providing zero healthcare while DENYING it to Americans in dire need.

I take it ya got nothing, as usual.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This is a difficult situation Dave. Perhaps the only way to get to a national health care system is to let the right have it's way so they screw things up so badly the deluded fools that vote for them will wise up. This is a long shot of course. Shit my brother; I have no idea how to get the millions that voted for Trump, or any republican despite their policies being against anything that ever benefitted them, to vote any other way. I may have done nothing more than waste some space in your comment section.

Dave Dubya said...

It's a sad state of affairs when our best hope is for the Right's agenda to take us down to a third world standards of living, just to wake up the drones and turn us around.

I'm afraid the only thing we can be sure of is more of our nation's addiction to ignorance, indoctrination, and apathy that will further degrade the meager remnants of our democratic republic.

Alcoholics Anonymous understands recovery from addiction can only come after the person hits rock bottom and recognizes his problem.

America suffers from an infection of a political/social disease of radical right, authoritarian, white Christian nationalism. This is a paranoid culture, living in fear of being "replaced" by brown people.

This disorder adversely affects safety nets and public health and education.

This cannot be treated until the country wakes up to the disease.

Unfortunately, Trump will take us to rock bottom before this disease can be addressed. His billionaire crony Cabinet is salivating for new ways to rip us off and suppress Constitutional regulation of commerce, taxing the rich, and providing for the general welfare. Insurance CEOs will be at that same trough of greed. Sadly, things will get worse before they get better.

It may already be too late for the republic to recover, due to Trump's corrupt Supreme Court granting him a fictitious and unconstitutional immunity from the rule of law.

Once equal justice under the rule of law is abrogated our experiment as a democratic republic fails. I fear we are lost as a free and democratic nation.

If so, American oligarchs and Putin have won.

Our words are not wasted, though. They are vital to keeping what sanity we can preserve.

Dave Miller said...

So guys... I think you all know I spend a lot of time working in Mexico.

Mexico is pretty much, as it relates to government, a country run on what have been standard Republican ideas for years.

Low taxes, lax government oversight and people, except in the most heinous of cases, governing themselves locally. Foreign military involvement, unless the country is attacked is Constitutionally prohibited. They give no foregign aid to any country. There are few real regultions ppl must follow in order to start and run a business and those can easily be "massaged" with a little love offering to inspectors.

Here's what that looks like on the ground.

Roads are horrible. Libraries exist only in state capitols and major cities. Local police exist only to control traffic and in that, they suck. Crimes are rarely investigated and even fewer are solved. Health care is GREAT, if you can pay, otherwise, not so much. Speed bumps are everywhere to "keep the roads safe" and speeds down. Why wreck your car on them?

The minimum wage is about $13.75. A day! And it has gone down due to the devaluation of the peso over the last year. Inflation runs at over 10%. Gas, is over 5 bucks a gallon, about 40% of the daily minimum wage.

But hey, people are free from government control, regulation and can make their own decisions more or less on how to live their own lives.

As a friend of mine said, the Mexican government system is basically the "wet dream" of US Republicans when it comes to government. Hands off, laissez faire, etc.

Ppl do argue over politics, but as more than a couple of friends there put it, they just want government to work. No matter who is in charge.

Is this where we're headed?


Dave Dubya said...

We know Trump and his fellow oligarchs want government to work only for THEM. It's a very short leap from corporatocracy to fascism.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Truly sad. I have an in law whose family has been on a medical card for around 40 years. They've never paid a copay or deductible. He was wearing an I'm voting for the felon shirt last time I saw him. These people love tough love. maybe the only way to get them to see what the R's and Trump are all about is when he walks into the emergency room and they ask how he's gonna pay for treatment this time. I'm sorry to say if he were laying on the sidewalk infront of the hospital dying, his last request would be for an absentee ballot so he could vote for Trump one last time.

Dave Dubya said...

Nothing penetrates their thick skulls if it isn't what Trump wants them to think.
And they wonder why we see them as a cult.

Dave Miller said...

Here's an interesting take on the illegal aliens taking our jobs BS we hear from the MAGA crowd these days and it's another example of how disconnected they are from reality.

In Texas a few years back, they passed a low to really hammer employers who hired illegal aliens. The thought being, if they raised the pain level for companies, they'd be less likely to hire ppl here illegally.

It all sounds so perfectly reasonable to the MAGA mind. Until like Ross Perot, you look under the hood of that law.

That law exempted private citizens of Texas from compliance. They were still free to hire illegal aliens to work in their homes. When questioned as to why this was so, the Texas GOP sponsors said to apply the law against hiring ppl here illegally to private citizens, it would wreck the Texas economy.

Interesting right?

This is where we're at JoMala... it's a clueless group with no center, no philosophy, nothing apart from "Whatever Trump Wants!"

Dave Miller said...

Off Topic Dave but...

Remember when Obama said let's talk to our adversaries like the leaders of Iran and the Tea Party pre MAGA folks were madder than a group of folks looking at a tan suit? Terribly dangerous they said. Invoking Reagan, they intoned that we should never talk to our enemies because they'll see weakness.

Now apparently that's all out the door as Trump has invited the Pres of China to the inauguration! And here's what we hear now from the MAGA crowd, best shown by the sailors on the HMS Mothership...


Absolutely nothing.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Yeah, They hate the Pope cause of some notion of infallibility yet anything Trump says is gospel. Even crap he doesn't say that they think he would cause it goes along with whatever nonsense they want to believe. I turned down a chance to run a Congressional campaign for a guy who would have been outstanding cause in my district I knew he had no chance being a Democrat. More recently I turned down a chance to run a big campaign for a local office for the same reason. I have no idea how to get through to these people. I gave my ideas to the most recent candidate, who would be fantastic and had to end it there cause I'm tired of beating myself to death over shit I cannot change. I tried to convince myself I could make a difference but reality keeps rearing it's ugly head. Sad yet liberating when one admits defeat. On the other hand I got my golf handicap down to a 5 this year. My goal is 2 next year.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hear ya Dave. An idiot got me into an argument with an old guy in a maga hat couple months ago. I told hell no I'm not voting for Trump. My Dad's a Purple Heart decorated Korean War Veteran. This old said he was gonna vote for Trump and his vote canceled out mine. It may show a lack of character on my part but I kind of hope Elon Musk and his doge tells this idiot and others like him Social Security has paid him enough and he's not getting any more checks.

Dave Dubya said...

Long ago Mark Twain saw how it plays out:

“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

"Every civilization carries the seeds of its own destruction, and the same cycle shows in them all. The Republic is born, flourishes, decays into plutocracy, and is captured by the shoemaker whom the mercenaries and millionaires make into a king. The people invent their oppressors, and the oppressors serve the function for which they are invented."

Dave Dubya said...

When the Trump Cartel floods the swamp with massive corruption and the people are deprived of public safety nets, Trump supporters will STILL believe what they are told. They will be certain that Democrats must be blamed.

Dave Miller said...

Dave... "When the Trump Cartel floods the swamp with massive corruption and the people are deprived of public safety nets..."

Then the MAGA folks will say "See, we told you it was a swamp and all government was corrupt. Thank God Trump exposed it".

And in the end, he won't have exposed anything. Except what he and his minions caused.

It's like his election lies. He says our system is loaded with fraud, so people believe it. Because to believe America thinks they're a bunch of losers is too hard for their brains to comprehend. Then they have to fix the problems that "everyone is talking about!"

But people are only talking about this stuff because Trump said it, not because there's any evidence, proof or actual fraud that's been shown to be sufficient to change a single race in the country.


But hey... ppl are talking.

I'm a church guy. Have been all my life. Heck, in reality I'm a missionary guy, sharing a Gospel that's so outside of what I see from my tribe I don't know what to do.

I'll tell you this though... I may not agree 100% with JoMala's candidate, but I'd rather hang out with him and folks like him than the people I can't even recognize anymore from my churchy background.

Dave Dubya said...

I say anyone who believes, embraces, or acts on the words of Donald Trump is in a cult and can't be a follower of Jesus. Trump is the antichrist figure of our time whose message of anger, lies and hate is 100% antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.
They may insist they're Christians, but "by their fruits we know them". We see it in how they serve mammon. We see it in how they treat others, especially the least of us. I know atheists and Buddhists who are more Christian (adjective) than many Christians (noun) are.
I consider myself Christian (adjective) in the sense of embracing the core message of Jesus, but not a Christian (noun), if that makes any sense to you. I have no need for the mythology of the Old Testament or the opinionated preaching of Paul and Peter.
I find importance and deep meaning in the "Meditations of Marcus Aurelius".
And as with our friend Les, Buddhism also resonates within my philosophical/spiritual journey.
I discovered long ago that I do not belong to any church or religion. And neither does God.
So naturally, evangelical Trumpers would think I'm in Satan's clutches. Too bad they can't see that beam in their eye.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It makes perfect sense. I've always been skeptical of Bible thumpers. I'm a Sermon on the Mount guy myself. The rest of it is a jumble of words used to manipulate people too mentally weak or lazy or judgemental to think for themselves. The church is run by Daleks. Obey Obey! Obey without question! In my experience it was obey without question cause the religion teachers where I went to school had no clue what they were talking about. I got in lots of trouble over the years for questioning the existence of guardian angels and trying to get a reasonable explanation of what the Holy Trinity actually is. The lay religion teachers just made shit up. The nuns would hit me. The priest would try to look scary and make an excuse to leave.

Dave Dubya said...

We needn't look far to see child/sex abuse is very common in churches. Not a week goes by without several more of these monsters being charged.

At the same time I see no accounts whatsoever of drag queens committing these crimes. The Thumpers would never admit it, but kids are much safer with drag queens than with Christian clergy. Abuse is rampant, but "youth pastors" are the usual culprits.

The only social/spiritual value of religion is it may comfort people who live in fear of death, and more importantly helps them be kinder to others.

Unfortunately the former is the case more than the latter.

The problem with religion is it reinforces the "God's chosen people" mentality that divides us and resulted in persecution and too many wars to count. Most relevant today is the UN-manufactured state of Israel. It has assured constant violence and human suffering far into the future.

In evangelical America especially, the sanctimonious and divisive institutional mythology is meant to control people and manipulate them to vote for Republicans while enriching mammon-serving church leaders.

This may sound cynical, but the evidence is there for anyone interested in seeing it.

Anonymous said...

" work only for THEM." Proof.

Dave Dubya said...

Proof is everywhere. Huge tax cuts for the rich and corporations work for THEM.

Trump is promising billionaires more tax cuts and deregulation for donations. A corrupt govt. for sale.

Oil bigwigs open wallets for Trump after billion-dollar request:
Oil and gas tycoons made significant contributions to the Trump campaign after the former president asked the industry for $1 billion to support his reelection bid — and reportedly said it would be a “deal” for them to do so.

Cheniere Energy CEO Jack Fusco attended a dinner where Trump told energy executives they should raise $1 billion to support his return to the presidency and that doing so would be a “deal” because of the money they would save on taxes and regulations, according to The Washington Post.

Separately, the Post reported that at a different fundraiser in May, Trump promised oil and gas companies he would reduce Federal Trade Commission (FTC) scrutiny of their mergers and acquisitions.

Trump promised to scrap climate laws if US oil bosses donated $1bn – report

Trump promised to 20 executives at Mar-a-Lago dinner to increase oil drilling and reverse pollution rules among other pitches.

Donald Trump dangled a brazen “deal” in front of some of the top US oil bosses last month, proposing that they give him $1bn for his White House re-election campaign and vowing that once back in office he would instantly tear up Joe Biden’s environmental regulations and prevent any new ones, according to a bombshell new report.

According to the Washington Post, the former US president made his jaw-dropping pitch, which the paper described as “remarkably blunt and transactional”, at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago home and club.

In front of more than 20 executives, including from Chevron, Exxon and Occidental Petroleum, he promised to increase oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, remove hurdles to drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and reverse new rules designed to cut car pollution.

“You’ll get it on the first day,” Trump said, according to the Post, citing an unnamed dinner attendee.

Peter said...

The Piece of Schiff Continues Attack on Kash Patel's Nomination for the New FBI Director

Dave Miller said...

Dave, lest good "Christian" folks deny there's a problem ppl can go here for some deep, factual reporting on the issue you raised.

Statistically, clerical workers of all stripes, Catholic, Protestant, senior pastorate and youth pastors, remain one, alongside teachers, of the largest groups of child molesters we have.

Clearly a sizable group of ppl do in fact "decide" to follow Jesus, but then in practice, ignore many of his teachings.

Dave Dubya said...

I thank Schiff for his patriotic service to our country.

Election denier Patel isn't qualified and promises to weaponize the FBI.
“We will find the conspirators in govt and the media. Yes, we are going to come after the people in the media.”
That is fascism.
Russian state TV rejoices over Kash Patel and Pete Hegseth nominations
"They will quickly dismantle America, brick by brick."

Anonymous said...

The world had lost respect for the United States under the Bisden-Harris administration and it is clearly shown that under the new Donald Trump administration , much of that respect was regained.

Dave Dubya said...

This is why "Christian" as a statement of belief or a noun means nothing. "Christian" as an adjective means kindness, love for the least of us, and helping the poor and sick.
Most noun Christians are not adjective Christians. They are "CINOs".
Anyone who supports the evil criminal servant of mammon Trump has abrogated both decency and the teachings of Jesus. By their fruits we know them.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks for the bullshit.
The "new Trump administration" doesn't exist yet.
How's the air up there in Trump's ass?

Dave Miller said...

Dave, remember when "Peter" said people who call others names "don't have the intellectual tools to make coherent arguments..."?

And yet, here he is proving it.

You don't even have to try hard with these folks.

What's up Peter? Are you lacking in the necessary "intellectual tools" to make a coherent argument?

Dave Dubya said...

Their problem with making a coherent argument is it requires a rational thought process combined with verifiable supporting evidence.
But who needs that when Trump's word is gospel?

Richard said...

Either JOE BIDEN is senile and lost his mind, or someone else is running this country, Either way this is VERY WRONG, and this Sickness MUST STOP!

Anonymous said...

I agree, it''s Dave whose head is up Marx's ass.

Anonymous said...

Richard, don't waste your time asking Dave a serious question, he's a fool.

Dave Dubya said...

"WHICH IS IT? Either JOE BIDEN is senile and lost his mind, or someone else is running this country,

Anonymous (probably Vern) thinks this is a "serious question". LOL!!

Here's another challenge for the simple-minded cultists.

What is Marxism? And quote me regurgitating it as my ideology.

Is it my support for public education and public healthcare. Maybe that’s what this idiot thinks "Marxism" is.

Is it my support for Constitutional taxation, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare?

Well if so, then the Founders were "Marxists".

This is their bottom rung, low information level their cult basks in, believing they actually know better. Remember the Dunning-Kruger Effect?

Only the seriously stupid and willfully ignorant and dishonest cultist would believe that.

Note how they never define Marxism, show no understanding of it, or ascribe any of Marx’s tenets to what I say. Stupid regurgitation of fascist lies is the best the can pull off.

I’ll offer one more lesson on how to pose a reasonable question for the poorly educated:

"Is Biden or someone else is running this country?"

Let's leave the cult in the dark on this one and see what they say...Understanding logical fallacies is too far beyond their feeble level of comprehension.

Not a very profound question, but it isn't fallacious, like his nonsensical query.

And there’s this fair way to pose the other question.

"Either JOE BIDEN is senile and lost his mind, or he isn't senile or lost his mind. Which is it?"

What is the supporting verifiable evidence for an answer?. (Hint: Both Biden and Trump are in mental decline. One struggles to present facts, while the other constantly shows zero understanding and lies about everything.)

Like this bait and switch from Trump:
“From the day I take the oath of office, we will rapidly drive prices down, and make America affordable again. Prices will come down. You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”

During a speech in October, Trump proclaimed that he would “very quickly” make groceries more affordable.

Got that? “Prices will come down fast, very quickly”.

During his Time Magazine “Person of the Year” interview, Trump insulted voters when asked about lowering prices. “It's hard to bring things down once they're up,” Trump said. “You know, it's very hard."

Better blame Biden when Trump FAILS. Scapegoating is the fascist thing to do.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous splits his time between residing up Trump's ass and Putin's.
He thinks support from a tyrant is "respect". LOL!

Dave Dubya said...

More of that "world respect" for Trump:

Canadian support for Donald Trump

The Environics Institute research found Canadians three times more likely to prefer Democratic nominee and current Vice-President Kamala Harris to win the Nov. 5 presidential election over Mr. Trump – 60 per cent to 21 per cent.

Dave Miller said...

Ah Dave... there you go again, expecting a logical conversation with the MAGA crowd.

I think their shorthand definition of Marxism goes like this... If you are taking my taxes and giving it away to people, it's Marxism. If you are helping them lvie a better life, instead of them making better decisions and working hard, it's Marxism or in some circles, socialism.

So yes, as I have seen in the past, entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Welfare all qualify to some degree. Because government funds are being taken from some Americans and given to others, who should just live "within their means".

Now of course smart folks know differently. So following your style, let me add a few other questions...

Is it socialism or Marxism when government pays farmers to not grow certain crops or guarantees farmers a minimum price for their crops, shielding them from free market forces and reality? We do this every year and Trump supports this.

Is it socialism or Marxism when the federal government gives aid and money to people who choose to live in hurricane zones when those inevitable hurricanes come a destroy their houses? We do this every year and Trump supports this.

Is it socialism or Marxism when the federal government forces certain businesses, like the auto industry, to lower the pollutants from engines to make the air we breath cleaner and better for us? Doing this made the air across the nation better. Trump does not support continuing this.

Dave, like you, I doubt any of the MAGA folks will step up and post anything other than some boiler plate cut and paste idiocy to yours, or my questions.

Because it's too hard.

But we can dream can't we?

Dave Dubya said...

I'll tell you their only possible brain-dead, unthinking, cult-indoctrinate reaction, whether they they even read or ignored what you wrote.
"You're a MARXIST!"

Anonymous said...

Tell us again how Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

Dave Dubya said...

So, just HOW MANY times do you need to be shown the facts that you willfully IGNORE?

Would you show the courtesy of thanking me for an answer?

LOL! Yeah, we know what you are.

We remember he FIRED Comey for not shutting down Mueller's investigation and pledging loyalty to HIM over the Constitution.

Mueller's investigation was obstructed by Trump at every step, so he couldn't prove direct, legally defined conspiracy with the Russian govt. Collusion with Russian operatives is another matter. Hell, later Trump outright GAVE Russians top secrets in the OVAL OFFICE!

"Russia, if you're listening..." was his invitation for Russia to help. We all heard it. Soon Russian hackers were on the job, sharing hacked Democrats' emails with Wikileaks.

His campaign staff had NUMEROUS meetings with Russians, even sharing polling data. Some were convicted of LYING to the feds about those contacts. So, Trump pardoned them.

Then there was the Trump Tower meeting with Russians for "dirt on Hillary".

”What We Know About the Controversial 2016 Trump Tower Meeting With Russian Officials”

The meeting, which took place in June 2016 amid the presidential campaign, was organized by Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, the publicist of a prominent Russian pop star, Emin Agalarov. (Emin is the son of Aras Agalarov, a Russian oligarch.) The publicist allegedly offered the Trump campaign “very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” to which Trump Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say I love it.”

Aside from Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort (who was Trump’s campaign manager at the time) were all present. On the Russian side, attendees included Goldstone, a lawyer with ties to the Kremlin, a translator, a businessman associated with a Russian oligarch and a lobbyist with past connections to Russian counterintelligence operations.

Anonymous said...

Facts? you can't handle facts. Deal with this fact John Fetterman praises Trump, says he’s not a fascist like Kamala claimed…

Dave Dubya said...

Here's a fact for you, Anonymous.
Fetterman offered his OPINION. Saying Trump has "political talent" is NOT "praise". Everyone who wins, or even comes close, in an election has some "political talent".
You don't know the difference between fact and opinion because Trump's word is your gospel.
And Trump is a fascist who sent thugs to overturn the 2020 election and wants to weaponize the DOJ against critics who committed no crime.
By their fruits we know them.

The words of a fascist:

We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
I think they want the white guy.
Hitler did a lot of good things.
- Donald Trump

Les Carpenter said...

UHC is a greedy POS insurance company who was acting under the direction of a greedy POS insurance executive.

While i share your abhorance over violence in general, and certainly murder, the ones I have sympathy for are his children, who are left without a father.

The anger should be directed at asshole politicians who have worked hard kissing the assea of corporate America as they line their own pockets and vote to protect the interests of corporations and billionaires.

The next 4 years under Musk/Trump will serve to cement the American Oligarchy in place for the foreseeable future.


Anonymous said...

As one of Kamala' Harris’s supporters I'm sure that Shaw as well as yourself expressed shock, grief as you reflected upon the long, and desperate hours since last Tuesday when the results of the election was given and were strongly for , Donald Trump. Instead of feeling the Joy that you were expecting to have. When you planned resistance movements, and your Protesting with your fellow voters fell apart. I'm sure that you both needed time to rest and reset before thinking of next steps and what your going to do after the election, Now that your dream has fallin apart. Do you have any plans as yet? Are you planning to Howl at the Super Moon each night this week? .Are you going to hold a Wake? Are you still dressed in Black?
You Poor, Poor Babies, all your dreams have burst into the air. Perhaps you can get together with the 3 or 4 other members of your Blog and get drunk? That might be fun and also ease your troubled minds. I'd bet anything that your Buddy Les Carpenter would join you if you promised that you would pay for his drinks. And that other creep, David the Mexican moocher, and preacher probably could use a shoulder to cry on as well.
Oh well, I'm sure that you 3 could think up something to ease your Pain!
Just remember to Pray for Mr Trump and for the United States of America, if you are still living here.
And Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that Mr Biden and his Nurse are telling everyone Not to call Mr. Trump a Nazi anymore as it was only one of his CHEAP ploys to get himself a few extra votes. And that didn't work either.
PS as for Kamala Harris: I never saw ANYONE that could talk so much and say nothing before in my life.

Dave Dubya said...

Praying for convicted felons and fascists like Trump and praying for the United States couldn't be more diametrically opposite from each other.
The word for what you spew is "projection".
NOBODY whined and cried MORE after LOSING than TRUMP and his cult.

Les Carpenter said...

Anon, You Know Who won with a weak plurality. The truth is, only the MAGAts like YKW