Sunday, May 2, 2021

Isn't It Just Terrible?


In these turbulent times of social upheaval, I think I've found the least I can do to help. I would like to offer support to our special white conservative friends who are fed up with racism...against them.

Yes. They are the “real victims” of racism.


“Whites Believe They Are Victims of Racism More Often Than Blacks”

Whites believe that they have replaced blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America, according to a new study from researchers at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School... "On average, whites rated anti-white bias as more prevalent in the 2000s than anti-black bias by more than a full point on the 10-point scale. Moreover, some 11% of whites gave anti-white bias the maximum rating of 10 compared with only 2% of whites who rated anti-black bias a 10."

“Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing

To test our hypotheses that many Whites now perceive anti-White bias to be more prevalent than anti-Black bias and that this view is related to Whites’ conception of racism in zero-sum terms, we asked a large national sample of Black and White Americans.

"Whites See Anti-White Bias as More Prevalent Than Anti-Black Bias"

...Black respondents perceived decreases in anti-Black bias over time and relatively nonexistent anti-White bias, but White respondents perceived anti-Black bias as declining even more quickly and anti-White bias as increasing sharply— particularly in recent years. Indeed, we observed a complete reversal over time in White respondents’ views of racism. Whereas Blacks saw greater anti-Black bias in every decade, ts(207) 20.55, ps < .001, this gap reversed in the 2000s for Whites: They perceived more anti-White bias than anti-Black bias...Not only do Whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do Blacks, but Whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality—at their expense.


Our dear white conservatives epitomize the quaint expression, “To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.”

The poor dears.

Indeed our special white conservative friends see themselves as innocent souls tortured by injustice, bigotry, and persecution.

How do we comfort our marginalized white conservatives who whine about being the "real victims" of discrimination and racism? How can we soothe their existential suffering?

We could say:


You poor guys. All that persecution and discrimination against you must be insufferable. Like your Dear Leader in exile, nobody has ever been treated as unfairly as conservative white Americans.

Sometimes it just FEELS like it’s true. Isn’t it just terrible?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives are always stopped by police for "driving while white"?

Isn't it just terrible that a white conservative could get a knee to the throat and killed for an alleged fake $20 bill?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives are persecuted for being "real Americans" and the only “true patriots”?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives are suffering reduced poll access and longer voting lines?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives need to prohibit water being given to Blacks in their much shorter voting lines?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives are denied services from gay-owned businesses?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives had the election "stolen" from them?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives have to wear masks in a pandemic?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives needed to brandish weapons in the Michigan capitol building after being told by Trump to "Liberate Michigan"?

Isn't it just terrible that white conservatives needed to plot the kidnapping and murder of Michigan’s governor because Trump hates her for following medical advice in a pandemic?

The Lansing Occupation turned out to be the dress rehearsal and prelude to Trump's January 6th coup.

Why? Isn't it obvious?

Because nobody has ever treated more unfairly than white conservatives and Trump, America's Number One White Victim.

Oh, the injustices endured for being white and conservative. 

No wonder you are so resentful at having less representation in Congress, especially the Senate, than any other group.

No wonder you must suffer the injustices of a stacked liberal Supreme Court.

The socialist commies of the “left” have all the power, and are using it to oppress white conservatives. Especially very wealthy white conservatives.

Will no one speak for them? It’s as if the entire federal government is run by a leftist deep state out to punish corporations and billionaires with taxes and destroy our freedom,

And Joe Biden is coming for your hamburgers!!

And we know the "left" is anyone who thinks Trump is a racist, a birther, a liar, a criminal and a cheater.

The "left" are all socialist commies for demanding racial and gender equality.

The "left" are all socialist commies for demanding reform and accountably for abusive law enforcement.

The "left" are all socialist commies for believing Biden won the election.

The "left" are all socialist commies for blaming Trump for his violent attempted coup to overturn the fair election.

The "left" are all socialist commies for believing loyal Trumpists are authoritarians who would vote for the insurrectionist again.

The "left" are all socialist commies for wanting fewer obstacles to voter rights, voter registration, poll access, ballot boxes, mail-in ballots, and fair representation.  
The "left" are all socialist commies for wanting Constitutional taxes on corporations and the rich, Constitutional regulation of commerce, and Constitutional provision for the general welfare.

The "left" are all America-hating socialist commies, just like the socialist commie founders who put all those anti-American socialist provisions in the Constitution.

All of which proves the "left hates America” and along with minorities are the "real bigots". And of course, conservative white people are the real victims.

Isn’t it just terrible?

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