Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fun With Bush X 3

Our good man Robert over at Left of Centrist has requested some assistance with a project.

Hey everyone, I need your help. Stop by Left of Centrist and get the ball rolling on a new game I've started called Bush X 3. The idea is to come up with as many three word descriptions of GWB as possible. My goal is to hit 100. With your help, I think we can make it easily and far beyond.

I am only too happy to pitch in. So let's have some fun and send our contributions to Left of Centrist

While there may not have been WMD's over in Iraq, here are a few WMD's I have found in GWB.

War Mongering Dictator

Wayward Moral Deviant

Witless Malicious Decider

Wantonly Murderous Dunce

Willfully Mean Divider

Wicked Mass Destroyer

Warlike Mad Despot

Warped Malignant Deceiver

Wartime Military Deserter

Wrathful Maligning Dimwit

Wrongheaded Monstrous Defiler


Robert Rouse said...

Dave, take those over to LOC and post them in the comments section!

Anonymous said...

I made use of some of your wisdom on my Saturday Quote of the Week again. Gave you kudos and a link.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks, Tim,
It's funny how I make sense when talking to fuzzy animals, and say such stupid things to people.

Anonymous said...

dicginating dictitorial despot

jmsjoin said...

We could write a book with just this and maybe we should. We won't be any friggen better off but atleast people would feel better!

Distributorcap said...


thanks for stopping by at my place
i added you as well

a lot of creativity out there....

tho i thought
Wrathful Maligning Dimwit
was among the better